Hello Patriot!
Wanted to be sure you saw the email below. Tea Party Patriots will be in Richmond, VA on September 4th for a press conference on the importance of stopping Obamacare through the Continuing Resolution . We look forward to seeing you there. Let us know if you have any questions.
Rachael Proctor
Tea Party Patriots Regional Support Team
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| "Exempt America" Coming to Richmond!
Virginia Patriots,
If you are able to join us at the press conference referenced below, we would love to see you. This is a tour of several states for Tea Party Patriots and ForAmerica to bring awareness about the absolute importance of fighting to stop Obamacare in the Continuing Resolution when Congress returns from recess. We hope to see you there. - Jenny Beth Martin Atlanta, GA – Tea Party Patriots and ForAmerica announced the next stop of its multi-state "Exempt America" Tour will be in Richmond, Virginia on Wednesday, September 4 at 3 pm EST. Jenny Beth Martin, National Coordinator of Tea Party Patriots and L. Brent Bozell III, Chairman for ForAmerica will join with local activists to call on Congress to exempt Americans from Obamacare. "President Obama has already exempted Big Labor, Big Business and Congress has exempted itself. That leaves the American people on the hook to live under what Sen. Max Baucus, an Obamacare supporter, has called a 'train wreck.' More than 70% of Americans favor delaying the implementation of Obamacare. In order to delay it, the spending must stop. We will make sure Congress hears this message loud and clear," said Ms. Martin. WHO: Jenny Beth Martin, National Coordinator, Tea Party Patriots L. Brent Bozell III, Chairman, ForAmerica Larry Nordvig, Executive Director, Richmond Tea Party Mark Daugherty, Chairman, Virginia Tea Party Patriots Federation WHAT: "Exempt America" Press Conference WHERE: 4201 Dominion Blvd Suite 110 Glen Allen, VA 23060 (Map Available) WHEN: Wednesday, September 4, 2013 3:00 pm EST Tea Party Patriots is a national grassroots coalition with more than 3,400 locally organized chapters and more than 15 million supporters nationwide. Tea Party Patriots is a non-profit, non-partisan organization dedicated to promoting the principles of fiscal responsibility, constitutionally limited government, and free markets. Visit Tea Party Patriots online atwww.TeaPartyPatriots.org. For further information, please contact Kevin McVicker with Shirley & Banister Public Affairs at (703) 739-5920 or (800) 536-5920. In Liberty, Tea Party Patriots National Support Team |
| Tea Party Patriots, Inc. operates as a social welfare organization organized under section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to Tea Party Patriots, Inc. are not deductible as charitable contributions for income tax purposes.
 | Copyright © Tea Party Patriots, Inc. 2013 Tea Party Patriots 1025 Rose Creek Drive Ste 620-322 Woodstock, GA 30189 Support: 404-593-0877 http://www.tppsupport.org |
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