Congressman Randy Forbes |
Question of the week: As we start a new year and move into the second session of the 113th Congress, what priorities do you believe Congress should focus on? (multi-answer) ( ) Agriculture – Enacting a 5-year farm bill ( ) Economy - Spurring economic growth and job creation ( ) Energy - Increasing domestic energy production to reduce dependence on foreign oil ( ) Healthcare – Reducing premiums and ensuring continued access to quality care ( ) Immigration - Enhancing border security and enforcing existing laws combating illegal immigration ( ) Israel – Supporting Israel by maintaining sanctions against Iran ( ) National Security - Preserving a strong national defense ( ) Oversight – Executing oversight duties of the executive branch ( ) Path to Citizenship – Providing a path to citizenship for those here that are undocumented ( ) Privacy Protection – Ensuring that the Fourth Amendment right to privacy is protected ( ) Regulations – Enacting regulatory reform to reduce burdens on small businesses ( ) Religious Freedom – Ensuring no one is forced to violate their conscience rights ( ) Second Amendment - Protecting the constitutional right to keep and bear arms ( ) Seniors - Protecting critical programs for seniors such as Medicare and Social Security ( ) Spending - Reducing government spending and the deficit ( ) Taxes – Reforming the tax code to make it simple and fair ( ) Transportation - Rebuilding our nation's aging roads and infrastructure ( ) Unemployment Insurance – Extending the unemployment insurance program for those out of work ( ) Veterans - Fulfilling promises to our nation's veterans, ensuring they receive earned benefits ( ) I don't know. ( ) Other. Take the Poll here. Find the results of last week's InstaPoll here. |
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