| | | | | | D'Souza's America To Feature Dave Mustaine's "Star Spangled Banner" Megadeth co-founder Dave Mustaine recorded a heavy-metal rendition of "Star Spangled Banner" in honor of the 45th anniversary of Jimi Hendrix's version of the National Anthem. Mustaine's song will feature in Dinesh D'Souza's new film America, which will release in theaters on July 2nd. "My inspiration was our Founding Fathers and wondering what they would think of us today," says rock icon Dave Mustaine. "My hope for America is that we'll become a nation they'd be proud of again and I tried to capture that with my guitar." Listen to Mustaine's "Star Spangled Banner" here. America Producer: "Why the VA Scandal Is About Much More Than Obama" Gerald Molen, who is producing America, writes about the scandal surrounding the Department of Veterans Affairs' mismanagement and deceit regarding the care provided to our veterans. He also discusses the political and academic culture that created men like Barack Obama and allowed the V.A. scandal to happen. "Presidents come and go, but the political and social cultures that nurture them live on for decades," Molen said. "It is that culture that I believe is responsible for creating a disrespect and unconscionable disregard for our veterans". Read the full article here.  The Federalist: "Prison For D'Souza, Beach Time For Corzine" The Federalist's Mollie Hemingway discusses the differences between Dinesh D'Souza's campaign finance case and the investigation into Jon Corzine's alleged $1.6 billion customer fraud. She discusses the suspicious circumstances under which D'Souza was prosecuted while Corzine's case was dropped without charges. "Should we care about selective enforcement of laws where political leaders' enemies are punished while friends skate free?" Hemingway asks in her provocative piece. Read the full article here.  | | | |  | | |
Congressman Randy Forbes |  | | In recent years, China's behavior in the Asia-Pacific has become increasingly aggressive, leading to growing territorial disputes with neighbors including Japan, Vietnam, India, and the Philippines. Chinese ships and aircraft have repeatedly violated the airspace and waters of other nations, leading to rebukes from the U.S. State Department, as well as many American allies. In November 2013, China unilaterally declared an Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) in the East China Sea, seeking to enforce air traffic restrictions over what had traditionally been seen as international airspace. In May 2014, China moved an oil rig into waters claimed by Vietnam, leading to heightened tensions and, most recently, the sinking of a Vietnamese fishing vessel this week. Some believe that, in order to reduce tensions in the Asia-Pacific caused by China's growing military and increasingly aggressive stance toward its neighbors, the U.S. must maintain and expand its military and diplomatic posture in the region. Others have asserted that the United States should direct its attention elsewhere despite China's behavior toward U.S. allies in the region and attempts to restrict access to international waters and airspace. Question of the week: What is your view of the best response to China's behavior in Asia? (multi-answer) ( ) Reduce overall U.S. engagement in the region. ( ) Reduce U.S. military engagement in the region, while expanding diplomatic and economic ties. ( ) Strengthen U.S. posture in the Asia-Pacific, including an expanded military presence. ( ) Strengthen U.S. diplomatic and economic engagement in the Asia-Pacific. ( ) I don't know. ( ) Other. Take the Poll here. Find the results of last week's InstaPoll here. | | Home | Contact | Unsubscribe | Privacy | Office Locations Please do not reply to this message. This email address does not accept incoming messages. To send an email, click here. Trouble viewing this email? See it in your web browser: http://forbes.house.gov/news/email/show.aspx?ID=DCQZJO6HWWOVZVSTHCJLYYQ2AY Click Here to view this email in your browser Click Here to be removed from this list
Congressman Randy Forbes |  | | In recent years, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has proposed and finalized numerous rules on air and water pollution, solid waste disposal, stormwater regulation, drinking water standards, cleanup of contamination, and the regulation of chemicals. On June 2, the EPA is scheduled to publicly release their proposed rule reducing carbon emissions, as part of a larger effort by the Administration to address issues of global warming, climate change, and the rising sea level. Some see this as a move to shift the power industry away from coal towards gas, solar, and wind. Supporters believe that EPA needs to take strong regulatory action to protect the environment, that it is moving in the right direction, and in some cases, believe the regulatory actions should be even stronger. Some believe that EPA needs to bypass Congress in order to accomplish their goals. Others believe the Agency is acting beyond the scope of its authority, issuing regulations that are detrimental to small businesses and local communities. Opponents believe the EPA has gone too far, that the new regulations will increase costs for consumers in areas like stormwater fees and power bills, and that proposed regulations should be subject to the checks and balances in government and receive congressional approval before they are implemented. Question of the week: What is your view on new EPA regulations? (multi-answer) ( ) They are improving environmental quality. ( ) They are burdening small businesses and hurting the economy. ( ) They need to be stronger and will not hurt the economy. ( ) They reflect laws passed by Congress. ( ) They are an example of government and executive overreach. ( ) I don't know. ( ) Other. Take the Poll here. Find the results of last week's InstaPoll here. | | Home | Contact | Unsubscribe | Privacy | Office Locations Please do not reply to this message. This email address does not accept incoming messages. To send an email, click here. Trouble viewing this email? See it in your web browser: http://forbes.house.gov/news/email/show.aspx?ID=OJEGAPPMS2BXUD5XMFDAH7RJGE Click Here to view this email in your browser Click Here to be removed from this list
 | | | | | | D'Souza Addresses Campaign Donation Violation Last night, D'Souza appeared on The Kelly File with Megyn Kelly to discuss the resolution of the campaign finance charges brought against him, in which he pleaded guilty to exceeding campaign finance limits. Watch the video below:  President Obama's Half-Brother Backs Out of Interview with Dinesh D'Souza Mark Obama Ndesandjo was originally slated to appear in an interview for Dinesh D'Souza's upcoming film, America. However, following the federal charges filed against D'Souza for violations of campaign law, President Obama's half-brother backed out of the interview. Gerald Molen, who is producing America, weighed in on the cancellation: "Mark is more than just a brother of the president-he's a living example of the importance of America and the attractiveness of entrepreneurial capitalism. ... We were looking forward to hearing a different Obama message from a different Obama, but it was not allowed to happen." Read more here. American Moments Episode Eight: American Exceptionalism American Moments is a weekly web series that explores the ideas and people that make America great and the ways in which critics of America are undermining our country's core ideals. This week Dinesh D'Souza discusses the progressive left's denial of American Exceptionalism and how the conservative movement needs to reclaim the idea that America is a unique and exceptional force for good in the world. Watch this week's American Moments below:  The Ant and The Termite In a short video uploaded to his website, Dinesh D'Souza discusses the central difference between the two major factions in contemporary American politics by using a simple analogy: the ant and the termite. Watch the video here.  | | | |  | | |
Congressman Randy Forbes |  | | Over the past several weeks, international outrage has grown as news outlets have reported the mass abduction of 200 Nigerian girls by the militant Islamic group Boko Haram. Responsible for thousands of deaths in Nigeria since 2009, Boko Haram has threatened to sell the girls into slavery. According to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, human trafficking generates $32 billion per year around the globe, second only to drug trafficking, and the average age a child is trafficked into the commercial sex trade industry is between 11 and 14 years of age. Question of the week: What actions do you support to combat human trafficking in the United States and around the world? (multi-answer) ( ) Make it a federal crime to knowingly advertise for the commercial sex exploitation of minors and trafficking victim. ( ) Encourage states to adopt safe harbor laws that treat trafficked minors as victims and provide access to protective services and counseling, rather than entering the legal system and being incarcerated. ( ) Provide additional law enforcement tools to enable authorities to prosecute all those involved. ( ) Require states to take steps to identify, prevent, and address sex trafficking of youth in foster care. ( ) Increase funding for human trafficking deterrence, victims' support programs, and initiatives that promote the human rights of women and girls around the globe. ( ) Ensure that a destination country is aware when an American sex offender who has previously abused a child is traveling to that country and encourage reciprocal notification to protect American children from abuse by foreign sex offenders. ( ) I don't know. ( ) Other. Take the Poll here. Find the results of last week's InstaPoll here. | | Home | Contact | Unsubscribe | Privacy | Office Locations Please do not reply to this message. This email address does not accept incoming messages. To send an email, click here. Trouble viewing this email? See it in your web browser: http://forbes.house.gov/news/email/show.aspx?ID=BWFZJSCT5T7VI5PJHHCYRKYF3A Click Here to view this email in your browser Click Here to be removed from this list
 | | | | | | Dinesh D'Souza Takes on NSA in Upcoming Film Dinesh D'Souza's latest film, America, will feature the National Security Agency's recent set of controversial counter-terrorism tactics, including intercepting private communications between U.S. citizens and building databases of information about average Americans. "Our coverage [in the film] is based on a re-creation of what the NSA has actually been doing, while lying to the American people and Congress," D'Souza said. "Our point is that the Obama administration is collecting private information on every American, for reasons that have nothing to do with terrorism." Read more here.  American Moments Episode Seven: You Didn't Build That American Moments is a weekly web series that explores the ideas and people that make America great and the ways in which critics of America are undermining our country's core ideals. This week Dinesh D'Souza discusses the speech in which President Obama said "you didn't build that," and how it relates to the progressive left's moral attack on the capitalist system in America. Watch this week's American Moments below:  D'Souza on The Kelly File: Political Correctness at the 9/11 Memorial is Wrong D'Souza appeared as a guest on The Kelly File on May 13 to comment on the debate over the new 9/11 Memorial film's use of words like "jihad" and "Islamic extremism." D'Souza argued that political correctness at the expense of truth is wrong, pointing out that there are certain realities about the world we live in, namely, that most acts of terror today are committed in the name of Islam. Shannon Bream hosted the show. Watch here:  | | | |  | | |
Congressman Randy Forbes Click Here to view this email in your browser Click Here to be removed from this list
 | | | | | | Dinesh D'Souza Reaches Distribution Deal With Lionsgate! Lionsgate, which helped Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11 become a national hit, and distributed the film 2016 Obama's America to DVD, will distribute Dinesh D'Souza's latest film, America. The film will have a national release on July 4th. Liberals who appear in the film include Ward Churchill, Alan Dershowitz, Noam Chomsky, Bill Ayers, Michael Eric Dyson and Charles Truxillo. Read more here.  American Moments Episode Six: Anticolonialism American Moments is a weekly web series that explores the ideas and people that make America great and the ways in which critics of America are undermining our country's core ideals. This week, Dinesh D'Souza talks about Anticolonialism and its impact on contemporary progressive politics. He discusses the history of anticolonial ideology and how it came to infiltrate the American political left. Watch this week's American Moments below:  Get Your American Patriot T-Shirt Today! • Color: Light Blue • FREE SHIPPING in the Continental US • Printed with pride in Ann Arbor, MI. • All shirts ship within 1 business day of order. • A commercial-grade digital print on the front of a pre-shrunk, quality t-shirt. 100% cotton, except Sport Gray shirts (90% cotton). No cheap, scratchy stuff - see the reviews! • Men's, Women's and Youth version available! Price: $22.00 Purchase your shirt here!  | | | |  | | |
Congressman Randy Forbes |  | | In response to the continued actions that threaten Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity, the United States imposed new sanctions on Russia earlier this week. The Department of the Treasury is imposing sanctions on seven Russian government officials, who will be subject to an asset freeze and a U.S. visa ban, and seventeen companies linked to Putin's inner circle, which will be subject to an asset freeze. In addition, the Departments of Commerce and State have announced a tightened policy to deny export license applications for any high-technology items that could contribute to Russia's military capabilities. Those Departments also will revoke any existing export licenses that meet these conditions. Question of the week: Do you support these latest sanctions on Russia? ( ) Yes. ( ) No. ( ) I don't know. ( ) Other. Take the Poll here. Find the results of last week's InstaPoll here. | | Home | Contact | Unsubscribe | Privacy | Office Locations Please do not reply to this message. This email address does not accept incoming messages. To send an email, click here. Trouble viewing this email? See it in your web browser: http://forbes.house.gov/news/email/show.aspx?ID=GIB2ZL36SRBKPHYFSRQZ6T5XVU Click Here to view this email in your browser Click Here to be removed from this list
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