Giving Thanks Weekly Update from Dinesh D'Souza Dear Friends, As I celebrated Thanksgiving this week, I reflected on God's many blessings. I'm thankful this year for the gift of life, for my daughter Danielle, and for my fiancée Debbie. I'm also thankful for one of the greatest gifts I've received—the freedom that I have experienced since coming to America as a young college student. As an immigrant, I find it easy to see what makes America truly exceptional. In fact, I've written a whole book about it. I hope that as you consider what you have to be thankful for this week, you'll recall all that makes America great.  Unfortunately, America is now under attack as never before—not just by enemies outside our borders, but also by a dangerous enemy within. The danger at home is progressivism, and its gang leaders are pulling off the heist of the century—they are stealing America from us with all of the wealth and power they can get their hands on. I explained this theft and how I caught onto Obama and Hillary's plan to Dennis Prager this week on his radio show:  ObamaCare is a perfect illustration of this fraud being perpetuated against the American people. As I showed in my latest Fox News op-ed, ObamaCare was a conspiracy not between Obama and the American people against the insurance companies, but rather, between Obama and the insurance companies against the American people. Ironically, the Mexican mafia used the same methods to sell their healthcare scams! Read the op-ed to find out what else the left and its ringleaders learned from America's criminal gangs. Stealing America makes the case that the left should be seen for what it really is: a criminal enterprise. The book, fresh off the press, debuted on the bestseller charts this week at #9 for Publisher's Weekly. If you haven't picked up a copy yet, now is the perfect time to order! As we get closer to the 2016 election, it's more important than ever that we see the truth behind the lies that left propagates. Share this message with your friends and family this Christmas! ORDER NOW Thanks to Breitbart, you can read the explosive first chapter of Stealing America for free online today! Take 15 minutes and read the story of how I got hauled into federal court and what came next. My experiences in America's criminal justice system taught me a valuable lesson, just not the one that Obama intended! Click here to read the entire chapter for free. Sincerely,  Dinesh D'Souza P.S. We now know that Obama intentionally ignored the advice of the FBI with regards to accepting Syrians refugees in America. |