A year ago today, our presidential campaign to provide a new generation of leadership committed to liberty and equality came to an end. As a part of that effort, we sounded the alarm about unaccountable leaders and Donald Trump’s disregard for our Constitution and democratic norms.
 Friend, A year ago today, our presidential campaign to provide a new generation of leadership committed to liberty and equality came to an end. As a part of that effort, we sounded the alarm about unaccountable leaders and Donald Trump’s disregard for our Constitution and democratic norms. We knew that he lacked basic commitment to American ideals and feared his attacks on the rule of law, minorities, and our institutions wouldn’t be the end of his excesses. That’s why our work didn’t end last November; it became more critical. In the year since Trump’s election, we’ve shined a spotlight and defended against his efforts to consolidate power, stoking of racial division, lavish corruption throughout the administration, and mounting evidence of aiding the Kremlin’s interference with our democracy. Friend, it’s only been one year since Donald Trump’s election as president. It is already clear that his legacy will be a black mark in the history of the Republic. We don’t know what President Trump will do next, or how he will react as the Mueller investigation presses on. Regardless of his actions, it’s imperative that we renew our commitment to the Constitution and the ties that bind us together in a free and open society. We must continue to be vigilant in defending the ideals of liberty, equality, and truth. Stand Up Republic is on the rise, and we need your support to keep shining a light on the administration’s corruption and the continued threats to our ideals, norms and institutions, both foreign and domestic. We need your help in this fight! Over the next few days, weeks, and months, you’ll have the opportunity to join our grassroots team, organize in your own communities, help us spread the word on social media, and contribute to fund our efforts. Can you chip in $5 right now to help the Stand Up Republic network continue fighting? With such a volatile and compromised administration, we must be prepared for anything. Our constitutional republic may face increasing pressure as this administration's Russian connections and family corruption become public. In the face of these threats, and any others that might be forthcoming, we must stand strong. Time is of the essence; we hope you’ll stand up with us today. Sincerely, Evan and Mindy

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