Robert– The House of Representatives is expected to vote on impeachment sometime this afternoon or early evening. Congressman Al Green (D-TX) has filed articles of impeachment that must be addressed within two days according to the rules of the "privileged" process under which he introduced the legislation. It looks like we do not have your address in our system, and therefore, cannot locate the members of Congress that represent your state. Please Update Your Profile to have this key information provided in the future. In the meantime, visit our Find Your Members of Congress area to locate this contact information, or call the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121 to be transferred to each office. (NOTE: You will need to call the Capitol Switchboard each time to be transferred.)
In liberty,
![]() Tea Party Patriots Action operates as a social welfare organization under section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to Tea Party Patriots Action are not deductible as charitable contributions for income tax purposes. © 2019 Tea Party Patriots Action 80 M St SE, First Floor, Washington, D.C. 20003
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Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Congress May Vote to Impeach Trump Today
Friday, July 5, 2019
Our country is worth celebrating, a minor victory for the immigration crisis, and the hypocrisy of the Left
Robert– We hope you enjoyed your Independence Day! We would love to see all the ways you celebrated our nation's founding this year. Be sure to tag Tea Party Patriots in your social media posts by using @TPPatriots and we'll be sure to highlight your amazing fireworks and celebrations. This week, the Left finally admitted there is a crisis at the border, and rather than apologize for their years of denial, they instead used cheap political theater to lie about the conditions at the detention centers where migrants are being held as their applications are processed. The simple truth is, additional funding was needed to deal with the dramatic rise in migrants crossing the border, and Democrats refused to help, until now. The House and the Senate finally approved a bipartisan bill that provides funds to help cover the necessary resources requested by Border Patrol and ICE for a very long time. Unfortunately, none of the funds will be used to secure the border and prevent the ever-increasing flow of migrants who attempt to cross because Democrats would rather spend your tax dollars on freebies for millions of new, illegal immigrants. How are countries south of the U.S. responding to this crisis? El Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele insisted that they start asking questions. "We can blame any other country but what about our blame? What country did they flee? Did they flee the United States? They fled El Salvador, they fled our country. It is our fault." Conditions in migrants' home countries could be improved and addressing the problems there can lead to a long-term solution that would help all countries and people involved. You know what drives us crazy? This is a time for Americans to celebrate the founding of our country 243 years ago, and why we should be proud Americans. Unfortunately, stories like former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick bullying Nike into pulling their Betsy Ross flag shoes off the shelves are frustrating. Kaepernick, the same football player who disrespected the National Anthem, is now going after the American flag created by Betsy Ross because of its supposed "ties to America's era of slavery." Except that the flag was apparently acceptable when President Obama used it. ![]() Meanwhile, President Trump organized a patriotic celebration at the Lincoln Memorial to celebrate our nation's independence and American exceptionalism. Not surprisingly, the Left will protest out of spite against the President and because they think America has never been great. If the Founding Fathers were here today, we're sure they would be shocked to see how many people on the Left would have such disdain for our country after all the good that America has brought to the world. But, America is better than that, and we will celebrate our founding with joy because truth and history are on our side. Another thing that drives us crazy is Antifa! They assault people with impunity and the Left ignores or praises them for their violence. Andy Ngo, a journalist who honestly (and therefore negatively) reports on Antifa protest activity, was treated for brain damage and for cuts after being mobbed and beaten last weekend by activists in Portland, OR. Jenny Beth Martin wrote the following statement: "The case of Andy Ngo, clearly demonstrates the lack of appreciation that the left and Antifa thugs have for our constitution and our 1st Amendment rights. They apparently never learned the childhood adage, "— that 'sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me," and instead believe that they can silence speech through violence. Americans should wake up to the threat to our 1st Amendment liberties coming from everyone from Facebook de-platforming conservatives to violence against mainstream conservatives." Where's the outrage? Aside from Andrew Yang, a minor Democrat presidential candidate, we have yet to hear from democratic candidates or lawmakers. Will they address the violence before it's gone too far? We'll see. What's a modern-day fourth of July without some anti-American drama? It seems to be a trend these days, especially from anti-Americans like Former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick... Last week, the House and the Senate approved a bipartisan bill addressing the overwhelming population of migrants at detention centers along the border... The House came back to work on Monday and resumed consideration of H.R. 3055, the minibus appropriations bill combining the appropriations bills for Commerce, Justice, Science, Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, Interior, Environment, Military Construction...
In liberty,
Tea Party Patriots Action National Support Team
Monday, July 1, 2019
As the July 4th approaches, take a moment to appreciate our freedom
![]() Robert– Happy Independence Day!
This week for our call-to-action, all of us at Tea Party Patriots Action would like to wish you and your family a wonderful Independence Day!
Enjoy your family and friends, and celebrate the blessings of freedom that we enjoy and that make our country great. Use this celebration to teach the kids and grandkids in your family about the history of America and why we are the greatest nation on Earth!
In fact, if you have a few minutes this week, please don't forget to watch and share the first episode in our Socialism Stories mini-documentary series, highlighting Oskar Arreaza's experience living under socialism in Venezuela. This is a good week to remind people why socialism is the opposite of freedom, and why our Founders wrote the Constitution the way that they did, for a reason. Enjoy your Independence Day!
In liberty,
![]() Tea Party Patriots Action operates as a social welfare organization under section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to Tea Party Patriots Action are not deductible as charitable contributions for income tax purposes. © 2019 Tea Party Patriots Action 80 M St SE, First Floor, Washington, D.C. 20003
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