|  | | Volume 36 -- October 18, 2011
Welcome to this week's Victory Insider, your weekly round-up of news, views, and information for staying up to speed on recent developments in Washington, the unfolding 2011-2012 election cycle, and GOP efforts to stop the Obama Agenda and return commonsense and responsibility to American government.
In this week's installment:
It All Starts With You! With a record $9.1 million September fundraising haul, the Republican National Committee is making great strides toward crucial 2012 presidential election year preparedness. (Brody Mullins, "RNC Makes Fund-Raising Gains," Wall Street Journal, 10/12/2011)
Told You So Barack Obama's dishonest claims that ObamaCare would reduce costs couldn't stand the harsh light of reality. (Editorial, "Class Dismissed: HHS Pulls the Plug on One of ObamaCare's Main Fiscal Illusions," Wall Street Journal , October 15, 2011)
Solyndra Keeps Unraveling "Treasury officials acknowledged that the government's restructuring of the loan earlier this year was unusual, if not unprecedented. Through that process, Solyndra investors, not taxpayers, were put at the front of the line for recovering money in case of bankruptcy." ("Treasury Officials' Testimony Fuels GOP Concerns Over Solyndra Loan Restructuring," Fox News/Associated Press, 10/14/2011)
Pants On Fire Attorney General Eric Holder was unaware of "Fast & Furious" in April, but Obama knew about it in March? Yeah, right. (Video, "Obama Spoke About "Fast & Furious" Before Holder Claimed He Knew," RealClearPolitics, 10/13/2011)
Montana Hypo-crat "Tester should clean his own house before trying to score cheap political points." (Conn Carroll, "Tester Takes Iran-Linked Company Cash," Washington Examiner, 10/14/2011)
Blame Game "After three years, Obama's self-proclaimed transformative social policies have yielded a desperately weak economy. What to do? Take the low road: Plutocrats are bleeding the country, and I shall rescue you from them." (Charles Krauthammer, "The Scapegoat Strategy: Obama Now Blames People Instead of Events," National Review, 10/14/2011)
Progressively Undemocratic The inherent autocratic nature of "liberals" becomes more and more apparent as the people increasingly reject their utopian schemes. (David A. Keene, "Democrats Slowly Abandon Democracy: We're a People Too Stupid to Govern Ourselves Without Liberal Leadership," Washington Times, 10/11/2011)
Only One Job Matters to Obama "14 Million Unemployed Americans Spent Another Quarter Watching Obama Look Out For His Own Future Instead Of America's." (RNC Research, "The Most Successful Fundraising-Not-Focused-On-The-Economy President Ever RETURNS," GOP.com, 10/13/2011)
Unhinged Pelosi "This is about just how out-of-touch progressives are on social issues. If you fail to show sufficient enthusiasm for paying to kill someone else's baby, it is a sign that you're heartless." (David Freddoso, "Pay For Abortion or Women 'Die on Floor,'" Washington Examiner, 10/13/2011)
More Crony Capitalism Is this the next Solyndra? It certainly has the appearance of impropriety... (Aaron Klein, "Look Whose Relative Just Got $135.8 Million Energy Loan: 'Green' Firm With White House Ties Lined Up to Get Massive Guarantee," WND.com, 10/11/2011)
Obama's "Debt-End" Tour Continues... Check out the RNC's latest video on Barack Obama's campaign to shirk the blame for his disastrous economic policies here.
Join the RNC Mobile Army! Become a member of the new GOP Mobile Army today and you'll be the first to see the GOP's newest ad campaigns and receive exclusive interviews, messages and contests designed only for our mobile audience. Text UNITE to 91919 to join the GOP Mobile Army today! Message and data rates may apply.
RNC on the Go If you haven't already, please take a moment to sign up to follow us on Facebook. You can also follow Chairman Priebus's Twitter feed @ReincePriebus or check out his fan page on Facebook!
Weekly Republican Video Address View this week's message from House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy as he discusses the House Republicans' Plan for America's Job Creators. Republicans have passed more than a dozen jobs bills that are sitting in the Democrat controlled Senate. It is time to put American jobs before politics and get our country working again. |
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| Paid for by the Republican National Committee. 310 First Street, S.E. Washington, D.C. 20003 (202) 863-8500 - www.GOP.com Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. |
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