|  | | Volume 34 -- October 6, 2011
Welcome to this week's Victory Insider, your weekly round-up of news, views, and information for staying up to speed on recent developments in Washington, the unfolding 2011-2012 election cycle, and GOP efforts to stop the Obama Agenda and return commonsense and responsibility to American government.
In this week's installment:
Disingenuous Jobs Plan "Not only is the president's job bill not 'the kind of proposal that's been supported by both Democrats and Republicans,' it's not even the kind of proposal that Democrats can currently support." (Joseph Curl, "The Jobs Plan That Couldn't," Washington Times, 10/2/2011)
Good Advice Business leader Robert Johnson advises Barack Obama to cease his politics of envy and class warfare attacks on Americans' free market success. (Video, "BET's Robert Johnson To Obama: Stop Attacking The Wealthy," RealClearPolitics , 10/2/2011) Obama's "Carter-Malaise Speech" Moment? Obama blames everything but his own policies for America's economic woes. (Mark Steyn, "'Soft' Nation: There's Nothing Soft About a Dead-Parrot Economy, a Flatline Jobs Market, and Regulatory Sclerosis," National Review, 10/1/2011)
Solyndra Admission Energy Secretary Steven Chu's incompetence in pushing Obama's radical agenda is hardly the last word on Solyndra scandal. (Carol D. Leonnig & Joe Stephens, "Chu Takes Responsibility For a Loan Deal That Put More Taxpayer Money at Risk in Solyndra," Washington Post, 9/29/2011)
Sign Our PetitionDemand that Barack Obama and his administration come clean on their $535 million Solyndra "green jobs" bust! Sign our Petition Today. Share it with your friends and family, post it to your Facebook page and spread the word on Twitter, hashtag #Solyndra. "We're In Charge" Vice President Joe Biden has a moment of clarity about where the buck stops on economy. (Rachel Rose Hartman, "Joe Biden: Obama Administration -- Not Bush White House -- Owns the Economy's Problems," Yahoo News, 9/30/2011)
Government Gunrunning "Why a gunrunning scandal codenamed 'Fast and Furious,' a program run secretly by the U.S. government that sent thousands of firearms over an international border and directly into the hands of criminals, hasn't been pursued by an army of reporters all trying to be the next Bob Woodward or Carl Bernstein is a story in itself." (Frank Miniter, "Fast And Furious" Just Might Be President Obama's Watergate," Forbes, 9/28/2011)
Autocratic Instinct Barney Frank thinks ability of those he disagrees with to effect financial policy should be curbed. (George F. Will, "For Barney Frank, No Fed Dissent Will Do," Washington Post, 9/28/2011)
ObamaCare to Supremes Will the fate of Barack Obama's Big Government takeover of health care be decided by the U.S. Supreme Court during the 2012 election year? (Jennifer Haberkorn, "Health Reform Lawsuit Appears Headed for Supreme Court," Politico, 9/26/2011)
Fool Me Once For middle class voters in the Midwest, the bloom is off the Obama rose. (Seema Mehta, "In Indiana, Ripples of Discontent With Obama: The State Backed Him in 2008 But is Unlikely to Do So in 2012, Analysts Say, Because He's Lost the Support of Working-Class Voters. That Dissatisfaction Could Hamper His Broader Midwest Campaign," Los Angeles Times, 9/26/2011)
Obama's Real Problem Read RNC Political Director Rick Wiley's latest memo regarding the 2012 presidential election and the important role Republican grassroots leaders like you will play in our efforts to make Barack Obama a one-term president.
Join the RNC Mobile Army! Become a member of the new GOP Mobile Army today and you'll be the first to see the GOP's newest ad campaigns and receive exclusive interviews, messages and contests designed only for our mobile audience. Text UNITE to 91919 to join the GOP Mobile Army today! Message and data rates may apply.
Weekly Republican Video Address View this week's message from Rep. Morgan Griffith (VA-9) as he highlights the burden that over-regulation from Washington, D.C. places on business and our economy. |
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