Volume 52 -- February 17, 2012 As we work together to defeat Barack Obama and elect Republican candidates up and down the ticket in November, Victory Insider continues to keep you informed about Campaign 2012 and our Party's fight for commonsense conservative policies in Washington. Thank you again for all do for the RNC! RNC Chairman Reince Priebus 2012 ELECTION COUNTDOWN: Super Tuesday: 18 Days Election Day: 263 Days | FOLLOW US  | Mission One RNC Chairman Reince Priebus at this year's Conservative Political Action Conference on the GOP's mission for 2012 -- firing Barack Obama and putting a Republican back in the White House. (Reince Priebus, "RNC Chairman Reince Priebus Remarks Excerpts From 2012 CPAC Ronald Reagan Banquet," GOP.com, 2/10/2012) Obama's Budget Bust "Obama's budget is a failure of leadership. The White House seems utterly unconcerned with the unsustainable trajectory of the national debt. In pursuit of their agenda, they refuse to be inconvenienced by insolvency. Their nonchalance is as appalling as it reckless." (Reince Priebus, "Obama's Budget Deficit of Trust," Townhall, 2/15/2012) Broken Promises "Most recently, the president failed on his chief responsibility: to uphold the Constitution. He issued a health insurance mandate that required religious organizations, most notably Catholic charities and schools, to violate their religious beliefs. Ultimately, Obama sacrificed religious freedom in pursuit of his government takeover of health care." (Reince Priebus, "The President Has Broken Many Promises," Journal Sentinel, 2/14/2012) Fake Compromise "The White House has offered something it calls a compromise on the so-called contraception mandate -- and by 'compromise' the Obama administration apparently means offering a symbolically tweaked plan to go forward with trampling Americans' religious liberties while pretending to accommodate them. In truth, nothing of substance has changed from the administration's January 20 announcement that religious employers will be forced to provide services they find morally objectionable." (Editorial, "The Compromise That Isn't," National Review, 2/13/2012) Doing Things Right "The Republican National Committee is beating the Democratic National Committee in fundraising while at the same time providing a model of how the federal government should cut spending." (Ronald Kessler, "RNC Beats Democrats in Fundraising," Newsmax, 2/7/2012) Declaration of Dependence Under Barack Obama, Americans' dependency on the federal government has skyrocketed along with spending and debt. (John Merline, "Dependency Index Surges 23% Under President Obama," Investor's Business Daily, 2/8/2012) "Hope" On Sale "In 2008, Barack Obama had no record, so he ran on empty slogans. In 2012, he has a record, but because that record is so abysmal, the campaign has calculated that they must run a campaign that deliberately avoids mentioning it." (Reince Priebus, "Hope, Handbags, and Hypocrisy," RedState, 2/7/2012) Making Life Less Taxing Republican governors like Mary Fallin in Oklahoma and Sam Brownback in Kansas are leading the effort to eliminate state income taxes. (Editorial, "The Heartland Tax Rebellion: More States Want to Repeal Their Income Taxes," Wall Street Journal, 2/8/2012) Marc Rich Redux? "Two American brothers of a Mexican casino magnate who fled drug and fraud charges in the United States and has been seeking a pardon enabling him to return have emerged as major fund-raisers and donors for President Obama's re-election campaign." (Mike McIntire, "Obama to Return Major Donations Tied to Fugitive," New York Times, 2/6/2012) Fair and Square Considering Barack Obama's constant class warfare lecturing about "fairness," here is a list of questions we'd really like the President to answer. (Stephen Moore, "A Fairness Quiz for the President: Is It Fair That Some of Mr. Obama's Largest Campaign Contributors Received Federal Loan Guarantees?" Wall Street Journal, 2/7/2012) Speaking of Fairness... Fat cat teacher union president making hundreds of thousands a year to squeeze New Jersey taxpayers doesn't care about poor kids' chance at a decent education. ("Christie Calls on Union Chief to Resign Over School Voucher Comment," Fox News, 2/8/2012) "The Promise That Became a Punch Line" The RNC released a new web video "The Promise That Became a Punch Line" on the three year anniversary of Barack Obama signing his "Stimulus" plan. The video chronicles the promise Barack Obama made with the "Stimulus" to keep unemployment below 8 percent and create millions of jobs. Unfortunately, three years later, twelve million unemployed Americans don't consider this a laughing matter. ...and "My Daughter's Future" Even though his budget failed to receive any votes in the US Senate last year, President Obama's back with the same failed spending and tax increases that we've seen the last three years. Instead of cutting the deficit in half by the end of his first term -- like he promised -- President Obama is adding another trillion dollar mortgage to our children's future. ** 2012 RNC Valentine's Day Cards ** The RNC launched their annual Valentine's Day cards on www.GOPValentine.com featuring President Obama and his liberal friends -- have some fun at the Obama Democrats' expense! Join the RNC Mobile Army! When you become a member of the new GOP Mobile Army, you'll be the first to see the GOP's newest TV ads and receive exclusive interviews, messages and contests designed only for our mobile audience. Text UNITE to 91919 to join the GOP Mobile Army today! Message and data rates may apply. RNC on the Go: If you haven't already, please take a moment to sign up to follow us on Facebook, You can also follow Chairman Priebus's Twitter feed @ReincePriebus or check out his fan page on Facebook! Weekly Republican Message Check out Gov. Bob McDonnell's GOP video message where he previews President Obama's latest budget. |
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