This is Diana, Regional Support Team Coordinator for the Atlantic Region
Can you help this Tuesday? Please let me know and also let me know if there is anything that I can do for you.
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Jenny Beth Martin <localcoordinator@teapartypatriots.org> Date: Sat, Apr 13, 2013 at 11:22 AM
Subject: Local Coordinator: Survey results and Tuesday protests
gregg@teapartypatriots.org You are receiving this email because of your affiliation with Tea Party Patriots as a Local or State Coordinator. | | |
Survey results and Tuesday protest details Local Coordinators, thank you for the many responses we received on such short notice. Your feedback is crucial to guiding Tea Party Patriots! The results of the first survey are in and the local coordinators have chosen to hold protests this Tuesday, April 16th. 71% said we must make our voices heard and 67% of coordinators chose Tuesday as their preferred day. 96% of coordinators approved statements on immigration law and 73% approved signing a statement concerning the Benghazi investigation. Now the heavy lifting begins. Promotion is essential to make this a success. With such short notice, publicity is the single biggest task to undertake. Remember, these are not big production-style events with speakers and stages. They are street protests and sign-waving events centered around the failure of Congress to uphold their oaths of office to support and defend the Constitution. Just like with Obamacare, they are voting on bills before reading them, writing 1500-page bills behind closed doors, and it's only after they've passed the bills that we get to find out what is in them. And once we find out, we see they've trampled on our rights yet again. Remember - we are trying to attack the process as much as possible with only vague references overall to an attack on our constitution so that we aren't drawn into the policy debate on immigration or gun control. The gun stuff is easier because it's a little more cut and dried, "attacking the 2nd amendment" etc. But we have to be very careful about immigration. If you have any ideas for slogans or signs, please mention them HERE. We will keep you updated with additional as this list grows. If your group has plans for Tax Day, please do not change them. These protests are NOT meant to compete with Tax Day; they have different talking points. We do not want to step on your toes. These protests are meant to be at local offices of Senators, Here is what you as a local coordinator needs to do: - Attend
- Print petition, signup sheets, letters for people to take inside to Senate staff
- Send press release to local media
- Reach out to other LCs in state to help drive up attendance
- Email your lists; ask for volunteers make calls to get more people to attend
- Reach out to local coalitions to ask if they want to coalition partner: NRA, Sons of Liberty Riders, AFP, Freedom Works, Campaign for Liberty, etc.
A toolkit will be available to local coordinators on these protests, we will send them as soon as they are complete. Thank you again for your hard work! Jenny Beth Martin and TPP National Support Team Thank you! Jenny Beth Martin and National Support Team | | | |
Tea Party Patriots, Inc. operates as a social welfare organization organized under section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to Tea Party Patriots, Inc. are not deductible as charitable contributions for income tax purposes. ![]() | |
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Diana Reimer
Regional Support Team, Atlantic Region
National and PA State Coordinator Tea Party Patriots
Nationwide Local Group Coordinator
215-361-3094 h
267-446-7124 c

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