| | | | | | New America Trailer Released On Monday night, Dinesh D'Souza appeared on The Kelly File to debut the latest trailer for his upcoming film, America. The film will "answer the central moral challenge of America's critics, which is that America's greatness is based on theft, plunder and oppression." The new trailer features several clips from interviews with prominent left-wing thinkers, including Georgetown professor Michael Eric Dyson and linguist Noam Chomsky. In the interviews, progressives describe the United States as a "new evil empire" and as a "predatory colonial power." Watch the new trailer below:  American Moments Episode Five: "The Spirit of 1968" American Moments is a weekly web series that explores the ideas and people that make America great and the ways in which critics of America are undermining our country's core ideals. This week, Dinesh D'Souza talks about the importance of free speech in a democracy and explores some of the progressive reactions to his first film, 2016, as well as his newest project, America. Watch this week's American Moments below:  "Two Million Bikers To DC" Fundraising For 9/11 Honor Ride Two Million Bikers To DC is currently raising funds for this year's 9/11 Honor Ride, in remembrance of those who have died, both on 9/11 and in the years since then, defending our country and our freedoms. The biker community does a lot to support America and American values, and in turn they need our support to continue their work. Please consider supporting them as they help us fight for the soul of America. Read more about the fundraiser and donate here.  | | | |  | | |
Congressman Randy Forbes |  | | Earlier this month, the House held a hearing to review the Department of Justice's (DOJ) budget for Fiscal Year 2015. Attorney General Eric Holder testified that DOJ's budget includes funding to support development of innovative gun safety technology. An example would be to require the use of a physical item, such as a bracelet or watch, to allow for operation of a gun. Question of the week: Do you believe that such technology will improve gun safety? ( ) Yes. ( ) No. ( ) I don't know. ( ) Other. Take the Poll here. Find the results of last week's InstaPoll here. | | Home | Contact | Unsubscribe | Privacy | Office Locations Please do not reply to this message. This email address does not accept incoming messages. To send an email, click here. Trouble viewing this email? See it in your web browser: http://forbes.house.gov/news/email/show.aspx?ID=YJUDFBX6WV4FN3PXXV4WVXUCYA Click Here to view this email in your browser Click Here to be removed from this list
 | | | | | | American Moments Episode Four: "Change" American Moments is a weekly web series that explores the ideas and people that make America great and the ways in which critics of America are undermining our country's core ideals. This week, Dinesh D'Souza discusses the progressive "change" rhetoric, deployed most notably during Obama's presidential campaigns, and why we should be wary of change for change's sake. Watch this week's American Moments below.  Dinesh D'Souza's New Film to Feature Prominent Progressives Airing Controversial Opinions Dinesh D'Souza's new film, America, will engage with several prominent liberals and allow them to express their criticisms of America's history and politics. The film will include scenes with Alan Dershowitz, Noam Chomsky, Bill Ayers, Charles Truxillo, Michael Eric Dyson, and others. "In 2016, we let President Obama's voice be heard – literally," Dinesh D'Souza said. "With America, we also wanted to hear directly the voices of America's biggest critics. The conservative answer to offensive speech has always been not to silence it but to listen carefully, consider what's been said, and offer more speech. I was delighted that some of the smartest progressives in America agreed to sit down with me." Read more here.  D'Souza Takes on Harry Reid's Rhetoric Against Bundy Family In the wake of Harry Reid's vicious attacks against embattled rancher Cliven Bundy, Dinesh D'Souza has stepped up in defense of the Bundy family. D'Souza spoke to Megyn Kelly remotely from the Bundy ranch this past weekend, calling Reid "inflammatory" and "irresponsible." "The real question is: Who's the real crook? Who's really fanning the flames and tensions?" D'Souza said. "This is very inflammatory and, I think, irresponsible rhetoric from Harry Reid, and the people here are very angry about it." Read more here.  | | | |  | | |
 | | | | | | American Moments Episode Three: "The Land of Opportunity" American Moments is a weekly web series that explores the ideas and people that make America great and the ways in which critics of America are undermining our country's core ideals. This week Dinesh D'Souza discusses "the land of opportunity," exploring what his life might have been like had he stayed in India and contrasting it with the opportunities that America has offered him over the years. Watch this week's American Moments below.  Key Lawyer in Case Against Dinesh D'Souza is Obama Campaign Donor
David Kennedy, who was a campaign contributor to both Barack Obama and John Kerry, is the District Election Officer in the DOJ office that brought campaign finance charges against Dinesh D'Souza. District Election Officers serve as the point person in all cases relating to election or campaign finances; Kennedy would have been a key player in charging D'Souza with campaign fraud. If there wasn't already ample evidence of excessive prosecution and political bias in the charges brought against Dinesh D'Souza, there isn't any doubt now. Read more here. New Emails Prove Lois Lerner Collaborated With DOJ to Prosecute Conservative Groups Several IRS emails obtained by Judicial Watch show Lois Lerner, former IRS head of tax exempt groups, discussing whether or not to prosecute conservative groups in retaliation for their political activity. Conservative tax exempt groups were the only ones targeted for prosecution. Read more here.  | | | |  | | |
 | | | | | | American Moments Episode Two: "What If America Never Existed?" American Moments is a weekly web series that explores the ideas and people that make America great and the ways in which critics of our country are undermining America's core ideals. This week, Dinesh D'Souza talks about how the world might have been different - and worse off - if America had never existed. Watch this week's American Moments below.  Pro-Life Gosnell Film Censored by Kickstarter FrackNation director Phelim McAleer's new film about Hermit Gosnell was censored recently after Kickstarter claimed that his posting "did not comply with the spirit of [Kickstarter's] community guidelines." The site refused to approve his posting and asked him to remove descriptions of murdered babies, despite the fact that harsher graphic content is allowed on a number of similar Kickstarter postings. McAleer pulled the project from Kickstarter and uploaded it to rival crowdfunding site IndieGoGo. This important project deserves our support! You can find Gosnell on IndieGoGo. Read more here.  Harry Reid's Hypocrisy on Campaign Finance Harry Reid is well known for attacking conservatives Charles and David Koch for their support of conservative political candidates. However, it is becoming increasingly clear that Reid and other liberals rely on campaign support from billionaires like Tom and Jim Steyer, who have pledged more than $100 million if liberals promote their energy agenda. Read more here.  | | | |  | | |
Congressman Randy Forbes |  | | Since 1998, the Department of Commerce has exercised control over the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), a private, non-profit organization that manages basic functions of the Internet. Earlier this month, however, the administration announced its intent to relinquish control of ICANN to the global Internet community. In 2012, the House and Senate unanimously passed resolutions expressing the sense of Congress that the administration should maintain the United States' support of a global Internet free from government control, and work to preserve and advance the multi-stakeholder model that governs the Internet today. Question of the week: Do you support transitioning authority of the Internet to a global community? ( ) Yes. ( ) No. ( ) I don't know. ( ) Other. Take the Poll here. Find the results of last week's InstaPoll here. | | Home | Contact | Unsubscribe | Privacy | Office Locations Please do not reply to this message. This email address does not accept incoming messages. To send an email, click here. Trouble viewing this email? See it in your web browser: http://forbes.house.gov/news/email/show.aspx?ID=KPKM53FTT3YMMZIDSXADMFYMAQ Click Here to view this email in your browser Click Here to be removed from this list
Congressman Randy Forbes Send me an email | Forward to a Friend |  | | Friend – As the snow thaws to warmer months, new potholes and signs of road deterioration are certain to appear on our daily commutes. Although this is the reality of a harsh winter, it also serves as a reminder of how quickly the state of our transportation and infrastructure can decline. With that in mind, I have a question for you: what are your thoughts on the transportation issues facing our nation? If you can take a few moments to fill out the brief survey below, I would like to hear your feedback. Yours in service, Randy | | Click Here to view this email in your browser Click Here to be removed from this list
 | | | | | | Dinesh D'Souza Releases New Web Series, American Moments Today, Dinesh D'Souza launched a new weekly web series called American Moments, which explores the ideas and people that make America great and the ways in which critics of our country are undermining America's core ideals. This week, Dinesh D'Souza discusses the current situation in Ukraine. Watch this week's American Moments here.  Between Two Americas Parodies Obama Dinesh D'Souza released a video online last week parodying President Obama's appearance on Zach Galifianakis' comedy show, Between Two Ferns. Watch Between Two Americas here. Don't forget to share the video with your family and friends!  Fox News Airs Bret Baier Special Surrendering America This weekend, Fox News aired a special program called Surrendering America with Bret Baier. The program examined some of the Obama administration's recent destructive policies, including its surrender of control over the internet, its reduction of our military forces to a 60-year low, its abandonment of our world-class space program, and its reluctance to fully exploit our country's natural resources. Watch the full program here.  | | | |  | | |
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