How My Upcoming Movie Will Expose The Left Weekly Update from Dinesh D'Souza Dear Friends, This week I'm in Dallas preparing to start production on my new film due out next year about the left's subversion of America. Debbie and I checked out our new Texas office yesterday:  We will both be attending a special gala event in Houston in two weeks, and we'd love to see you there! Click here for more information about the special Spirit of Freedom Republican Women's PAC event where I'll be discussing my time spent as a political prisoner. While I'm in Texas, I stopped in to see Glenn Beck on Monday and shared some insights with his radio listeners about what the new film (and my upcoming book) will cover. Jerry Molen (of Jurassic Park and Schindler's List fame) joined me, and discussed not only the new movie, but the upcoming presidential election. Watch here:  I'm excited to see the success of outsider candidates like Trump, Carson, and Fiorina in the race so far. Their rise is a stunning indictment of the GOP establishment bums. Perhaps Americans are finally waking up to the hypocrisy of Obama, Clinton, de Blasio, and the rest of their political class. They shamelessly live high on the hog with our money and then lecture us on how we must do more to help the poor! Sincerely,  Dinesh D'Souza |
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