Friend — Roy Moore is still leading in the polls, despite a history of embarrassing misbehavior that includes supporting a religious litmus test for public service, co-authoring a course teaching that women are unfit to hold elected office, and being removed from the Alabama Supreme Court twice for violating our constitution.
 Friend, Roy Moore is still leading in the polls, despite a history of embarrassing misbehavior that includes supporting a religious litmus test for public service, co-authoring a course teaching that women are unfit to hold elected office and being removed from the Alabama Supreme Court twice for violating our Constitution. If these positions weren’t disqualifying enough, Moore has been credibly accused of sexual assault or harassment by multiple women, one as young as 14 at the time of the assault. We couldn’t stand by and let a man like Roy Moore cruise to an easy victory. That’s why we’ve put our money where our mouth is by actively opposing Roy Moore in Alabama through a digital and tv ad campaign.   Fortunately, Moore’s lead is far from secure, and our ads are already beginning to make a difference. Friend, will you help us continue this fight by chipping in $25, $50 or $100 to help us defeat dangerous and unacceptable candidate Roy Moore? Your contribution will allow us to reach even more Alabama voters with our message and stop Roy Moore in his tracks. Thank you for continuing to stand with us! — Evan and Mindy

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