Last night, one of the most conservative states in the country rejected a candidate whose character and respect for our Constitution simply failed our most basic standards. GOP leaders assumed that principles were less important than party. They thought they could take voters for granted.
 Friend, We did it. Last night, one of the most conservative states in the country rejected a candidate whose character and respect for our Constitution simply failed our most basic standards. GOP leaders assumed that principles were less important than party. They thought they could take voters for granted. You proved them wrong. Alabama’s results have stunned the GOP and the national news media, but it hasn’t shocked us. We’ve been warning the country for over a year that the American people could not, and ultimately would not, continue to elect immoral and unprincipled politicians. Friend, with your support we won a big victory for American values. We spent $500,000 on highly targeted ads in Alabama. The 4 Alabama counties that swung the hardest against Moore were the counties that we blanketed with ads. I wish I could say that this was the turning point; that our politicians would recommit themselves to the principles of liberty, equality, and truth. Unfortunately, this is only the first salvo in a long and arduous struggle. We cannot rest on our laurels or be content with this one victory. Will you stand up to help us be prepared for the next fight? Can you donate just $5, $10, or $25 dollars to fund the next campaign for American values? Thank you for your support. We couldn’t have won in Alabama without it. I know I can count on your continued support in the fights to come. Sincerely, Evan McMullin

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