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via Michelle Malkin by Michelle Malkin on 7/16/11

Congratulations to the 39 new recipients of coveted Obamacare waivers!
The latest batch was disclosed yesterday on the HHS/CMS website:
Updated July 15, 2011
As of the end of June 2011, a total of 1,471 one-year waivers have been granted. This update includes 39 new approvals. The number of enrollees in plans with annual limits waivers is 3.2 million, representing only about 2 percent of all Americans who have private health insurance today.
Waiver applications will no longer be accepted after September 22, 2011. As noted above, on June 17, 2011, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) introduced a process for plans that have already received waivers and want to renew those waivers for plan or policy years beginning before January 1, 2014.
The new guidance extends the duration of waivers that have been granted through 2013, if applicants submit annual information about their plan and comply with requirements to ensure that their enrollees understand the limits of their coverage. Existing waiver recipients must apply to extend their current waiver and all applications must be submitted by September 22, 2011; after that date applications for an extension will no longer be considered. Any plans that have not yet applied for a waiver also must apply by September 22, 2011.
Until a few months ago, the HHS/CMS waiver page allowed you to view the entire en masse list on an .html page in chronological order. The waiver recipients are now broken down by type and posted in a bit more unwiedly.pdf files. As far as I have been able to piece together for you based on their approval dates, these are 36 of the 39 new golden ticket holders whose applications were signed off in June. Not sure what the other three are. If anyone wants to spend a Saturday morning perusing the data to see whether you can find what I missed, give me a holler.
Self-insured employers
Tanimura & Antle Spreckels CA
UEA New Hire Murray UT
Acrux Investigation Agency, LTD Lakeview OH
Comcar industries, Inc its Affiliates & Subsidiaries Auburndale FL
Mays Housecall Home Health Inc. Antlers OK
Pecan Valley Rehabilitation & Healthcare Center San Antonio TX
Southwest LTC Frisco TX
Air Central Heating & Cooling Yuma AZ
Spanish Meadows Brownsville TX
Wesco Industrial Products Co. Lansdale PA
Cameron Mitchell Restaurant Columbus OH
Hadley, Inc. Thermal CA
Kovacevich 5 Farms Delano CA
Fresh Harvest, Inc. Somerton AZ
Pasquinelli Produce Co Yuma AZ
U. S. Security Associates, Inc.
Health reimbursement arrangements
Special Needs Program, Inc. Ghent NY
Health Care Compliance Minneapolis MN
Independent School District Rosemount MN
Iron Workers Local 33/440 Supplemental Benefit Plan Rochester NY
City of Eden Prairie Eden Prairie MN
SouthWest Transit Eden Prairie MN
Warren Washington ARC Queensbury NY
CSEA Strategic Benefit Trust Albany NY
Heaven's Hand Community Services, Inc Brooklyn NY
Multi-employer plans (Taft-Hartley union plans)
Plumbers and Steamfitters Local Union No. 43 Health and Welfare Fund Goodlettsville TN
Day Care Council Local 205 DC 1707 Welfare Fund New York NY
Roofers' Local 195 Health and Accident Plan Cicero NY
Arkansas Pipe Trades Heath and Welfare Fund Oklahoma City OK
Chicago Laborers' Welfare Fund Chicago IL
Insulators Local 112 Heath and Welfare Trust Fund Lake Charles LA
Southeastern SEIU Health and Welfare Fund Jonesboro GA
Western Teamsters Welfare Trust Seattle WA
Teamsters and Employers Welfare Trust of Illinois Springfield IL
International Brotherhood Electrical Workers Local 139 Welfare Fund Elmira NY
Non-Taft Hartley Union Plans
Uniformed Sanitationmen's Association Security Benefit Fund New York NY
GOP Sen. John Barrasso will introduce an Obamacare Waivers for All bill next week.
Repeal, of course, is the ultimate waiver.
6/17/2011 Obamacare waivers on ice — for now
5/18/11 Waive Me
5/16/11 Waiver-mania: Now, nursing homes lobby for Obamacare pardon; Update: San Francisco's escape hatch
4/4/11 Shhh: HHS grants more Obamacare waivers, considers new 2012-2013 scheme
3/25/11 The Weiner Waiver Wormhole
2/7/11 Look who makes RomneyCare/MassCare's waiver decisions (Hint: Rhymes with Ess-Eee-Eye-You)
1/28/11 Waivers for Favors: Big Labor's Obamacare escape hatch
1/26/11 The real snow job in D.C.: Obamacare waivers skyrocket to 729 + 4 states; 4 new SEIU waiver winners
1/24/11 Investigating Obamacare Waiver-mania
12/10/10 Obamacare Waiver-mania! continues: List tops 222
11/17/10 Dude, where's my Obamacare waiver?
11/14/10 Waiver-mania! The ever-expanding Obamacare escapee list
10/6/10 Obamacare waivers: Torquemada Sebelius spares McDonald's, unions
9/30/10 Will there be a McDonald's Inquistion now? Torquemada Sebelius tightens the screws
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