Volume 29 -- September 1, 2011
Welcome to this week's Victory Insider, your weekly round-up of news, views, and information for staying up to speed on recent developments in Washington, the unfolding 2011-2012 election cycle, and GOP efforts to stop the Obama Agenda and return commonsense and responsibility to American government.
In this week's installment:
Things To Do
House Republicans will push tax cuts and regulatory reform agenda when Congress resumes. (John Rossomando, "Tax Reform Teed Up for September," The Daily Caller, 8/28/2011)
He's No Gipper
"Obama, like President Ronald Reagan, inherited a severe recession. But at this point in Reagan's first term, the economy was booming and would keep growing for 80 months. Reagan's success secret was unshackling the private marketplace. Obama chose the opposite path, and the result is stagnation and insecurity." (Nolan Finley, "Obama Can't Get Grip On Economy," Detroit News, 8/28/2011)
Amnesty By Any Other Name
In an usurpation of its constitutional powers, the Obama Administration is doing all it can to implement amnesty for illegal aliens. (W. James Antle, III, "Discretion is Advised," American Spectator, 8/29/2011)
Downward Spiral
Because throwing taxpayers' money at problems never solves them, liberals always feel justified in throwing more. (Victor Davis Hanson, "The Old 'Not Enough' Excuse: True Believers in Government Spending Can Never be Proved Wrong," National Review, 8/25/2011)
Obama's Obvious Failure
It is hardly an impossible mission to explain why Barack Obama is such a bad president. (Peter Wehner, "Answering Jonathan Alter's Challenge," Commentary, 8/26/2011)
Biden Beijing Bungle
"Vice President Joe Biden's talent for using many words to say little or nothing -- or worse -- was never more conspicuously displayed than during his trip to China." (Terry Jeffrey, "Biden's Obsequious Bow to Beijing," CNS News, 8/24/2011)
Global Hype
As the media/academia/liberal politician-fueled "global warming" scaremongering attempt to assert more and more control over consumer freedom crumbles, Al Gore goes ballistic. (Jack Kelly, "Chicken Little Gore Goes on a Tirade: The Public Cools on Global Warming," Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 8/21/2011)
Spoiled Rotten
In coddling their fellow leftist Barack Obama, the mainstream liberal media have abetted his dismal job performance. (Fred Barnes, "Obama's Enablers: Meet the Mainstream Media," Weekly Standard, 8/29/2011)
Liberal Lalaland
Feel like you're banging your head against the wall when trying to speak sense to liberals? Here's why. (John Hawkins, "7 Reasons Why Liberals Are Incapable of Understanding the World," Townhall, 8/23/2011)
Choke Hold
Barack Obama's radical "green" agenda is driving up energy costs and weakening America's energy security. (Donald J. Boudreaux, "Turning Off America's Lights: Team O's Crude Oil Politics," New York Post, 8/24/2011)
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