Friday, December 9, 2011

Local Coordinator: Midweek Update 12.09.11

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Midweek Update 12.09.11

Local Coordinators:
There are 2 things we need your help with today and one FYI for you: 
  1. Upcoming Senate Leadership vote (See below) – forward to your lists, please
  2. Your talking points about media’s comments about “tea party” losing influence with Presidential candidates – I have Fox and Friends hit on it Saturday morning and want to make sure my messaging reflects your thoughts. (See article below)
  3. Presidential Tele Town Hall and Tea Party Straw Poll, Sunday, December 18 – we did get approval from legal to go forward with this plan. The town hall and straw poll will be Sunday, December 18. We will promote this heavily beginning Monday.

Thanks everyone!

Jenny Beth

Tea Party Patriots, National Coordinator

The best way to reach me is to email with Local Coordinator in the subject line or text message: 770-878-1550.

Senate Leadership Vote – Forwarded Information
Below is an article Erick Erickson wrote on Please forward to your group and ask them to call their Republican Senators to tell how they want the Senator to vote. Since we do not endorse, we are providing the information and letting our supporters choose who they think is best.
The Senate leadership race for Vice Chair of the Republican conference is shaping up to be a battle where the leadership is actively trying to prevent a new perspective from having a seat at the table.

Leadership quietly moved up the race from its originally scheduled January 25th date to next week (Tues, Dec 13th) in an effort to secure a rushed victory.

The question is whether or not the Senate Republicans respect the voters that gave Republican’s victories across the country last year, and whether they will give a member representing their reenergized base a seat at the leadership table.

Is it business-as-usual in the Senate Republican caucus or will they respect the shift in momentum nationally and allow the base that elected members like Rubio, Ayotte, Toomey, and Lee a voice in leadership

Talk inside the conference is that Ron Johnson is a quiet leader with a fresh perspective who is willing to respectfully challenge the status quo.

Has the Washington Republican establishment learned a lesson, the upcoming vote for Senate Conference Vice Chair is a good test case, will they elect another long-time insider or will they allow a newcomer who put up against long odds to beat Russ Feingold a seat at the table to move us forward?

Ron brings his perspective of a producer and job creator to Washington.  He understands how the private sector works, how jobs are created and how tax and regulatory policies impact small businesses.  That too is an incredibly valuable asset for our caucus to have at the leadership table.  

One would think that Senate Republicans would be wary of electing a Presidential candidate’s congressional liaison to a leadership post.
Fox and Friends Interview
The premise for my Fox and Friends interview is below. Please email me with your thoughts and comments. Thanks!
We are planning as we look ahead to our weekend shows.  Below is an article posted by blogger Jay Bookman, which looks at the most recent frontrunners in the GOP race for the presidential nomination, and how these candidates compare to the ideologies of the Tea Party. 
We were hoping that you may be able to join us this weekend, on Saturday, to discuss this article, and react to the perspective which Bookman offers.  We were hoping to discuss this at around 6:20am or so on our Saturday program.  

A Gingrich/Romney race represents failure of Tea Party
1:38 pm December 6, 2011, by Jay
Conor Friedersdorf is one of my favorite conservative writers. I realize that damns him in certain eyes, but it’s true nonetheless. It’s not that I agree with him on most things, because I don’t. But at least you can see his mind working through a problem to a conclusion, rather than beginning with the conclusion and trying to find reasons to try to justify it.
For example, in a piece now up at the Atlantic site, Friedersdorf notes that 82 percent of Tea Party sympathizers say they could accept Newt Gingrich as the GOP nominee. That would be a disaster for the movement’s future, he warns.
Why? Well, Friedersdorf notes that the Tea Party claims to have begun as a backlash against not just President Obama, but against his predecessor, George W. Bush, and against Washington insiders in general.
“Support for the War on Terrorism and the invasion of Iraq caused many conservatives to stay loyal to Bush. But that didn’t mean they liked No Child Left Behind, Medicare Part D, the attempt at a guest worker program, TARP, or the Harriet Miers nomination. Especially after the defeat of John McCain, many on the right insisted they’d never again support Bush-Rove conservatism.
And Gingrich supported almost all the most controversial Bush-Rove policies!
He favored No Child Left Behind, an unprecedented federal intervention in education. He supported Medicare Part D, a brand new, budget-busting drug entitlement. He supported “comprehensive immigration reform,” perhaps the most divisive-among-conservatives policy initiative of the aughts. He urged the passage of TARP. And he even spoke favorably about the infamous Harriet Miers nomination, a George W. Bush misstep that caused many of his most loyal supporters to rebel.
Tea Partiers pledged that if they had their way the GOP would never again have as its champion a federal government enlarging, entitlement expanding, amnesty urging, Bush-style Republican.
To do so just four years on would be a significant failure.”
In effect, in a year in which Tea Party anger was supposed to produce a more rebellious “outsider” nominee, the GOP field has been whittled down to Mitt Romney, the establishment politician, and Newt Gingrich, the establishment politician who disguises his insider status with a sharper tongue.
— Jay Bookman
Tea Party Patriots, Inc. operates as a social welfare organization organized under section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to Tea Party Patriots, Inc. are not deductible as charitable contributions for income tax purposes.

Copyright © Tea Party Patriots, Inc. 2011
Tea Party Patriots
1025 Rose Creek Drive
Ste 620-322
Woodstock, GA  30189
Support: 404-593-0877

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