Volume 55 -- March 8, 2012 As we work together to defeat Barack Obama and elect Republican candidates up and down the ticket in November, Victory Insider continues to keep you informed about Campaign 2012 and our Party's fight for commonsense conservative policies in Washington. Thank you again for all you do for the RNC! RNC Chairman Reince Priebus 2012 ELECTION COUNTDOWN: Election Day: 243 Days | FOLLOW US  | In this week's installment: Second Term Nightmare "We have seen the liberal agenda the president has pursued over the last three years: government run healthcare, cap-and-trade, pet projects disguised as "stimulus," card-check, taxpayer-funded loans to now-bankrupt energy companies, and reckless deficit spending. Now imagine what he would do in a second term-when he does not have to face reelection. We already know what the year 2013 would look like, and it's not pretty." (Reince Priebus, "Obama's Unthinkable 2013 Agenda," Townhall Op-Ed, 3/8/2012)
Impending Obama Tax Hike "What is clear is that, having been tempted to end all of the Bush tax cuts in 2009, the president would only find the idea more attractive were he to win a second term. At that point, he will never again stand before the voters, at least not as a presidential candidate." (Noam Scheiber, "In Second Term, What Will Obama Do About Bush Tax Cuts?" The Daily Beast, 3/2/2012) 100 and Counting President Obama hit the century mark in fundraisers for his reelection campaign last week. "So, in total, the president has likely spent at least 200 hours, or 5 standard work weeks, filling his campaign coffers since April." (Reince Priebus, "Fundraising: Obama's real priority," Politico Op-Ed, 3/1/2012) Ignoring the Law of Supply and Demand... Government Motors and their central government planners prove the law of supply and demand cannot be ignored or manipulated. Exhibit A: The Soviet Union. ("GM to suspend production of Chevrolet Volt," CBS News, 3/2/2012) ...While Giving an Undeserved Pat on the Back "But ponder this: The same week our greed-averse president sends a fundraising letter demonizing the Koch brothers -- dubious self-starters and risk takers who employ about 70,000 people without bailouts and hand out billions in noncoerced charity -- he is busy celebrating policy that forces taxpayers to be their brother's keeper, even though their brother continues to make terrible decisions free of consequence." (David Harsayni, "Obama's Union Speech a 'Load of You-Know-What,'" Real Clear Politics, 2/29/2012) Grading on a Curve America doesn't want to find out what grade the Energy Secretary would give himself if things really went wrong with the Obama Administration's failed "green energy" investments that cost taxpayers billions of dollars they'll never recoup. (Ed Morrissey, "Chu: I give myself an A-minus on managing taxpayer investments," Hot Air, 3/1/2012) Higher and Higher Secretary Chu had a busy week explaining away the Obama Administration's failures ... oh wait, Mr. Secretary, higher gas prices ARE what you and the President always wanted?!? Good to know for all those hard-working families struggling to fill their tanks. (Mike Brownfield, "Morning Bell: White House Wants to Keep Gas Prices High," The Foundry, 2/29/2012) Leviathan Grows "The goal of the current federal government, led by the Obama administration, is to expand its influence and control of everything. Its regulatory policies, unprecedented peacetime spending increases, and expanding influence over private decision-making serve to increase government's reach into everything, from schools, businesses, banks, families and individuals, to cars, roads, and personal health care." (Pete Du Pont, "The Dependency Crisis," The Wall Street Journal, (2/29/2012) A Reasonable Demand After President Obama, Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats promised ObamaCare would lower health care costs, the result has been the complete opposite: the cost of ObamaCare continues to rise. ("Lawmaker wants answers after cost estimate for health insurance aid rises by $111B," FoxNews, 3/2/2012) Not Surprising Attorney General Eric Holder still refuses to admit the Fast and Furious gun-walking scandal that led to the death of an American border patrol agent was a mistake. (Katie Pavlich, "Eric Holder Refuses to Admit Fast and Furious Was a Mistake, Townhall, 2/29/2012) Obama Running On Empty Check out the RNC's web video "Obama Running On Empty" focusing on President Obama's failed energy policy. After calling for a comprehensive energy plan during the campaign, President Obama has failed to advance such a plan while in the White House. With millions still struggling in Obama's economy, rising gas prices are making things worse. Join the RNC Mobile Army! When you become a member of the new GOP Mobile Army, you'll be the first to see the GOP's newest TV ads and receive exclusive interviews, messages and contests designed only for our mobile audience. Text UNITE to 91919 to join the GOP Mobile Army today! Message and data rates may apply. RNC on the Go: If you haven't already, please take a moment to sign up to follow us on Facebook, You can also follow Chairman Priebus's Twitter feed @ReincePriebus or check out his fan page on Facebook! Be sure to check out Rep. Doc Hastings' (WA-4) new GOP video message here: In this week's address, Chairman of the Natural Resources Committee Doc Hastings (R-WA) discusses how the president is unwilling to work toward energy independence in our nation. Gas prices are on the rise again, and our current administration has given no impression that they're serious about lowering our energy costs and creating much-needed jobs. |