Volume 60 -- April 13, 2012
As we work together to defeat Barack Obama and elect Republican candidates up and down the ticket in November, Victory Insider continues to keep you informed about Campaign 2012 and our Party's fight for commonsense conservative policies in Washington. Thank you again for all you do for the RNC!
RNC Chairman Reince Priebus
Election Day: 207 Days | FOLLOW US
In this week's installment:
Do-Nothing Democrats
"Make no mistake: Democrats' inaction is politically motivated. Because of their failed record on jobs, the deficit, debt, healthcare, energy, and more, they have nothing to run on in 2012. So they decided that if they can't run on their own record, they'll distort Republicans' record." (Reince Priebus, "The Do-Nothing Democrats," Townhall, 4/5/2012)
Moms Do Work
Democrat strategist Hilary Rosen attacked stay-at-home moms with the ridiculous claim that raising children is not work. The RNC made sure Rosen, the Democrats and their liberal media allies were held accountable for their insult. Purchase this travel coffee mug now for only $15 dollars and show the Democrats that MOMS DO WORK! (Donovan Slack, "RNC Slams Obama in 'Moms Do Work' Campaign," Politico, 4/12/2012)
Wishful Thinking
Democrats, facing the possibility that ObamaCare may be thrown out by the Supreme Court, are trying to find a silver lining that isn't there. (Ramesh Ponnoru, "Democrats Resort to Magical Thinking on ObamaCare," Bloomberg, 4/2/2012)
Chicago-Style Disgrace
"All that's unprecedented here is the spectacle of the president of the United States, while
the judges are deliberating, idly swinging his tire iron and saying, 'Nice little Supreme Court
you got here. Shame if anything were to happen to it.' (Mark Steyn, "Our Contemptuous
President: Obama Can't be Bothered With Checks and Balances," National Review, 4/7/2012)
Disorderly Retreat
"President Obama, while condemning a skewed view of 'judicial activism' and encouraging actual activism by the Supreme Court, has already outlined a judicial regime that is far more 'unprecedented' than anything that the Court will do with the ObamaCare cases."
(Joe Luppino-Esposito, "Obama Stumbles While Stepping Back on Supreme Court Comments," The Foundry, 4/6/2012)
Too Big Not to Fail
ObamaCare is such a monstrous, convoluted piece of illogical and contradictory legislation that even Supreme Court justices are baffled by it. (L. Gordon Crovitz, "Complexity Is Bad for Your Health: If Even Supreme Court Justices Can't Fathom ObamaCare, Where Does That Leave the Rest of Us?" Wall Street Journal, 4/8/2012)
Getting Out in Front
"When the president goes on television and gives a speech to the AP at noon, by two or three o'clock we're pumping out our response, pushing it out through social media, getting it out to the cable news networks." (Paul Steinhauser, "RNC Touts New 'Leaner' Yet 'Speedier' Response Efforts," CNN, 4/4/2012)
Déjà Vu All Over Again
The RNC's new video exposing President Obama's recycled budget speech points out the tired, unimaginative character of his Big Government agenda. (Becket Adams, "President Goes "Green," Recycles Yesterday's Budget Speech From His 2011 Budget Speech," The Blaze, 4/4/2012)
Drilling For Truth
"House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (R-Wash.) on Tuesday subpoenaed the Interior Department for documents about a 2010 report that erroneously suggested that outside engineers had endorsed a deepwater drilling freeze following the BP oil spill." (Ben Geman, "House GOP Subpoenas Interior Department Over Drilling Ban Report," The Hill, 4/3/2012)
$17 Trillion Gap
"Senate Republican staffers continue to look through the 2010 health care reform law to see what's in it, and their latest discovery is a massive $17 trillion funding gap." (Neil Munro, "Another $17 Trillion Surprise in ObamaCare," Daily Caller, 3/30/2012
Obama's Joblessness Economy
One unemployed job seeker's experience with the Obama Administration symbolizes the plight of millions. (Anna M. Tinsley, "Texas Engineer, Whose Wife Sent Obama His Résumé, Still Unemployed," McClatchy/Star-Telegram, 4/9/2012)
From Hope to Hypocrisy
The RNC released a new web video "Obama 2012: From Hope to Hypocrisy" as the Obama campaign makes their intentions for the fall campaign clear. Instead of running on their 'accomplishments,' aka run-away spending, greater debt and a stagnant economy, they are resorting to the same negative campaigning they denounced in 2008.
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Be sure to check out Governor Mary Fallin's new GOP video message here:
In the Weekly Republican Address, Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin says the energy crisis facing America isn't caused by a lack of energy resources, but rather stems from a lack of leadership that starts "at the top" with the President. |
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