Volume 61 -- April 19, 2012
As we work together to defeat Barack Obama and elect Republican candidates up and down the ticket in November, Victory Insider continues to keep you informed about Campaign 2012 and our Party's fight for commonsense conservative policies in Washington. Thank you again for all you do for the RNC!
RNC Chairman Reince Priebus
Election Day: 201 Days | FOLLOW US
In this week's installment:
President "Pass The Buck"
"Harry S. Truman famously said of the presidency, 'The buck stops here.' President Obama might as well make his slogan: 'Pass the Buck.' His record of failures and broken promises has left him with no record to run on. But instead of holding himself accountable, the president blames everybody but himself." (Reince Priebus, "Obama Is Running On Excuses," Red State, 4/19/2012)
Pants on Fire
President Obama denies he's trying to "redistribute wealth" with his calls for higher taxes -- perhaps that's why he likes to refer to the taxpayers' funds he spends on wealth redistribution as "investments." (Joel Gehrke, "Obama: I'm Not Trying to 'Redistribute Wealth," Washington Examiner, 4/10/2012)
Pay to Play - It's The Obama Way
Despite his past assurances that lobbyists would not influence his policies, Barack Obama's White House visitor logs reveal that access strongly correlates with financial support for his reelection. (Mike McIntire & Michael Luo, "White House Opens Door to Big Donors, and Lobbyists Slip In," New York Times, 4/15/2012)
More GSA Waste
"The House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee said Wednesday that five employees associated with the recently scandal-plagued Government Services Administration went to Hawaii for up to a week in 2011 to attend an hour-long groundbreaking on space leased by the federal government for the FBI." (Chad Pergram, "GSA Employees Spent 5 Days in Hawaii for 1-Hour Groundbreaking Event," Fox News, 4/11/2012)
"Unmitigated Disaster"
"'I can't think of a time when I felt it was more important for us to defeat an incumbent president today with respect to Barack Obama. I think he has been an unmitigated disaster to the country,' Cheney said at the Wyoming Republican Party state convention in Cheyenne on Saturday." ("Cheney: Obama 'Has Been an Unmitigated Disaster to the Country,'" Real Clear Politics, 4/15/2012)
Class Warfare
"President Barack Obama kicked off his re-election campaign in earnest this week with a stirring message of hope and unity for the American people: Eat the rich!"
(David Harsanyi, "Obama's 'Fairness' Fiction,' Human Events, 4/10/2012)
Pain at the Pump
"Marking the similarities between President Barack Obama's time in office and former president Jimmy Carter's is nothing new. But as of Monday, Obama has hit one more Carter benchmark -- both saw gas prices double in their first term of office." (Lauren Fox, Gas Prices Grow More Under Obama Than Carter," US News, 4/9/2012)
The Cost of ObamaCare
"How much will Obamacare -- call it the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act if you like -- cost over the next 10 years? More than you've been led to believe, reports Charles Blahous of George Mason University's Mercatus Center. To be specific, he projects it will add $1,160 billion to net federal spending over the next 10 years and at least $340 billion to federal budget deficits in that time." (Michael Barone, "Ouch! Decade of ObamaCare to Cost $1.2 Trillion," Washington Examiner, 4/15/2012)
Legacy of Failure
Is another recipient of Barack Obama's crony capitalism giveaways about to join the list of "green" company bankruptcies? (Robert Bryce, "The Next 'Next Solyndra': Another Electric-Car Disaster Looms," National Review, 4/16/2012)
Share with Your Friends -- Obama By The Numbers
The RNC Research Department has compiled an exhaustive record of numbers and facts which reveal Barack Obama's disastrous handling of the American economy. (The Big Fail: An Examination of the Failed Obama Record," RNC Research, 4/11/2012
RNC on the Go:
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Be sure to check out Rep. Fred Upton's new GOP video message here:
House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Fred Upton (R-MI) delivers this week's address on House Republicans' 'all-of-the-above' energy plan to address skyrocketing gas prices and help create jobs. |
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Paid for by the Republican National Committee. 310 First Street, S.E. Washington, D.C. 20003 (202) 863-8500 - www.GOP.com Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
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