Congressman Randy Forbes |
Tomorrow, the U.S. Senate is expected to vote on two alternatives to address sequestration. The vote will come one day before sequestration takes effect. Senate Democrats have proposed replacing $110 billion in cuts - $85 billion through September 30th (the end of fiscal year 2013) and another $25 billion through the end of December. One half would come from tax increases, while the other half would come from spending cuts equally divided between eliminating direct payments to farmers and cuts to national defense. Senate Republicans are expected to offer a plan to grant the Defense Department and other agencies flexibility to prioritize their own funding, rather than implementing the arbitrary cuts to each program called for under sequestration. For the $85 billion in cuts under sequestration for 2013, agencies would be able to reprogram spending cuts at their discretion; however, a balance must remain between defense and non-defense spending cuts. In May (H.R.5652) and December (H.R.6684) of 2012, the House voted to replace sequestration with recommendations from six committees – Agriculture, Energy and Commerce, Financial Services, Judiciary, Oversight and Government Reform, and Ways and Means - to cancel $98 billion in cuts to discretionary funding. Both of these bills passed with Congressman Forbes' support. Question of the week: Which of these three legislative proposals do you support to avert sequestration? ( ) I support the bills passed in the House that provide alternative spending cuts. ( ) I support the plan offered by Senate Democrats to raise taxes. ( ) I support the plan offered by Senate Republicans to allow agencies to prioritize spending. ( ) I support sequestration. ( ) I support another solution. ( ) I don't know. Take the Poll here. Find the results of last week's InstaPoll here. |
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