Political Victory & The Restoration of America Weekly Update from Dinesh D'Souza Dear Friends, Congratulations, we did it! This week, voters all around America took a step in the direction of restoration for our country, and the GOP now controls a majority in both the House and the Senate! This election was a strong repudiation on the Capone style of governance that Obama and Hillary learned from Chicago political gangster Saul Alinsky.  With the new majority, we now have the chance to make a difference. Now that Republicans have this leverage, will they investigate the criminal conduct by Obama and his cronies? Even now that the election is over, Obama seems to continue to delude himself. He hinted in his post-election press conference that the two-thirds of voters who didn't vote this week are his secret supporters, but the ones who stayed home don't like him either! Obama has alienated even the left by betraying their hopes in him. With all of the progressive disappointment boiling up after their monumental losses at the polls, let's see how long it takes to hear what racists we are for electing a GOP Senate!  America got more good news this week as well. Last weekend, we learned that Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi has returned back home after sitting in a Mexican prison for 214 days thanks to the Obama administration's inaction. Since this Marine doesn't hate America and there were no Taliban fighters to trade, Obama did nothing month after month. Now that Sgt. Tahmooressi is home, remember this: it was pressure from Republican Senators–not Obama–that brought about his relaese.  A new Pew Research study proves that liberals are more intolerant than conservatives. The right has always known that underneath the left's rhetoric of "compassion" and "diversity" and "tolerance," there was intolerance of the opposing view, and this study proves it. Click to see the results. In keeping with the findings of this study, America the movie is full of interviews during which I let the spokespeople of the left have their say. At times, the views they articulate in the movie are hard to sit through, but by the end, I make the case for the greatness of America.  ORDER "AMERICA" TODAY If you haven't ordered your copy of America the movie yet, now is your chance to see the film that Jon Voight says "every patriotic American should see." Order today on DVD! Sincerely,  Dinesh D'Souza P.S. America the movie is shipping all over the country and remains one of the top selling DVDs on Amazon where it has been perched since before the DVD even became available for order. America tells the true story of our history—the one that the left has been changing slowly over time. Order your copy on DVD right here. |
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