Veterans Day & Freedom Week Weekly Update from Dinesh D'Souza Dear Friends, Let me start this update with the most important thing I can say this week: thank you to each and every veteran who has served our great country over the years. Our standard of living we owe to entrepreneurs, but our very lives—and liberty—we owe to our veterans. Thank you for your service.  As I consider the sacrifice of our country's bravest men and women, I can't help but think how difficult it must be for them—except Bergdahl, of course—to serve under so unsympathetic and contemptible a commander-in-chief as Obama. In fact, while patriotic Americans all around the nation turned out for parades and ceremonies on Tuesday to honor these heroes, Obama celebrated Veterans Day with a trip to China. In addition to honoring our nation's heroes this week, those of us who weren't busy making backroom deals in China also took time to celebrate the fall of the Berlin Wall 25 years ago. Freedom Week is a time that we can do Reagan the honor of recognizing his prescient leadership that helped to produce that marvelous event. Recall Reagan's famous words on the steps of the Brandenburg Gate: "General Secretary Gorbachev, if you seek prosperity for the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, if you seek liberalization…tear down this wall." Two years after that speech, the Soviet empire collapsed and the Berlin Wall came tumbling down.  Read my short op-ed on Reagan's role in this historic moment in time that I wrote for YAF this week. I want to thank you today for helping me reach another milestone on Facebook! Thanks to your support and your dedication in sharing my stories and posts, I've passed the 450,000 friend mark on Facebook! At this rate, I'll have half a million before year's end! Here's what Fred has to say about the milestone:  If we're not already connected on Facebook, I'd love to share daily updates with you. In my latest interview with Steve Malzberg, I explained the course of action that Republicans must take with their newly won majority in Congress. It's necessary and overdue that we legislatively shackle Obama and quarantine him in Washington. It would have been infuriating if we hadn't won't the Senate, but now that we have, we have to use that advantage to keep Obama under control until the next election. Watch me explain here:  We've seen lawlessness from this administration at record levels, and it's time that Republicans think big. We need an independent prosecutor to look at the Obama administration to see where political discretion has crossed the line into outright lawlessness. To continue protecting his administration from legal blowback for these scandals, Obama picked a new henchman—or perhaps I should say henchwoman—to head up his "Department of Injustice." She has a new style, but the substance is more of the same. The arrogance of the left seems to know no limits. Jonathan Gruber, a chief architect of Obamacare, has now been caught on camera in no less than four videos explaining how the enlightened left snuck the Obamacare law past "stupid" America voters. Watch his unbelievable comments here:  If the tactics of the left infuriate you, it's time to do something about it. Start by educating yourself in the language of the left. What does Saul Alinsky have to do with Gruber's Obamacare comments? You'll understand the tactics of the progressive elitists by watching America the movie, available now on DVD! Order your copy today. Sincerely,  Dinesh D'Souza P.S. What do you think the #1 goal of the Republican Congress should be in January? Click here to send me a tweet. |
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