Why Muslims Are Responsible For The Crusades Weekly Update from Dinesh D'Souza Dear Friends, This week, I took to Newsmax TV to explain how Obama got it completely wrong at the National Prayer Breakfast last week when he compared ISIS to the Crusades. In fact, Muslims are responsible for both ISIS and the Crusades—the Crusaders were fighting a defensive war to recapture Jerusalem from Muslim conquest! The Muslims had already conquered the Christian Near East, parts of Italy, and all of Spain—unchecked, they'd have taken Europe. The Crusades were a belated and necessary response to three hundred years of Muslim invasion.  And as for the Inquisition? The Inquisition over four centuries killed fewer people than radical Muslims killed in one day on 9/11. How hard the Muslims must laugh to hear Obama respond to ISIS atrocities by blaming Christianity! Watching Obama deny the radical Islamic terrorism that is plainly happening in front of him is sort of like looking at a Nazi concentration camp and denying that Nazis are running it and Jews are the target. Watch my full interview here:  The other big news this week is, of course, the suspension of Brian Williams following his "fogged memory" and the stories he fabricated about his travels in Iraq. Brian Williams making up stories shouldn't be anything we're suprised about—doesn't he do this regularly on the Nightly News? If NBC had any sense, they'd get rid of Williams and replace him with Megyn Kelly! It looks like the lesson this week is that even if Brian didn't deserve his Emmy or Obama his Nobel, for their ability to con the public, both men certainly deserve a prize!  On a more upbeat note, I was excited to hear that State Sen. Alan Hays hosted a screening of America for his colleagues in the Florida Senate on Wednesday. Senate Bill 96 and House Bill 77 state that all of Florida's middle schools and high schools must show my latest film, and Movie to Movement has already agreed to provide the 1,700 DVDs that would be needed for Florida schools! This week, I passed 550,000 friends and supporters on Facebook. If we're not already friends there, will you consider joining me? I'm pleased to be able to share daily content to keep you informed with the truth about what's going on in America. Join Dinesh on Facebook Sincerely,  Dinesh D'Souza P.S. In my recent interview with The Daily Caller, I take on Obama's bizarre refusal to call Islamic terrorism by its real name. |
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