Friend, So you're a college or local activist. Have you ever thought of fighting for freedom full-time? Get a job in the liberty movement! In just a few weeks we're hosting the YAL Virginia State Convention. This is the perfect opportunity to see what's out there and get to know YAL's sponsoring organizations. Do your future a favor and register today.  How to invest in your future: 1.) Meet all of YAL's convention sponsors. They can tell you how to go about seeking job opportunities and internships. They are all looking for motivated, talented, passionate activists like you to employ and expand the movement. 2.) Make friends with other liberty activists. Having as many people working together as possible is crucial for maintaining a healthy community. Many activists will go on to do great things for liberty. So go to our post-event social and be one of them! Just so you can plan ahead, here are the sponsors you'll want to meet.  The Leadership Institute is a training ground for all libertarians and conservatives. They identify, recruit, train, and place activists in government, politics, and the media. They're schools range from campaign trainings to television workshops. Based in the D.C. area, they also take their trainings directly to students across the country and the world.  FreedomWorks breaks down the barriers between the beltway insiders and grassroots America. They desire less government, lower taxes, and more economic freedom. They seek to keep voters informed about policy making to hold Washington accountable to the citizens that put them in office.  The Charles Koch Institute is an educational organization focused on the importance of free societies and how they increase well-being for the overwhelming majority of people. Through the Institute’s professional education, research, and training programs, they work to prepare professionals for careers that improve well-being by advancing free societies.  Reason Foundation advances a free society by developing, applying, and promoting libertarian principles, including individual liberty, free markets, and the rule of law. Reason has internship opportunities year-round in both the Los Angeles and Washington, D.C. offices, in policy research, journalism, video production and fundraising.  The Tea Party Patriots stand for personal freedom, economic freedom, and a debt free future. They pursue the American Dream and strive to keep that dream alive for future generations. They provide a valuable network and opportunities to get involved in their events and groups to voice the concerns of like-minded individuals.  Students for Liberty is a rapidly growing network of pro-liberty students from all over the world. Their mission is to provide a unified, student-driven forum of support for students and student organizations dedicated to liberty. They are the largest libertarian student organization in the world. They Identify the top student leaders and train them to be agents of change in their communities.  Campaign for Liberty seeks to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a noninterventionist foreign policy. They do this through education, issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization.  Praxis places participants with small businesses for 10 months. Participants live and work where the business is located and complete a curriculum remotely through an online portal. This is not an internship program at a massive corporation where young people hang out in cubicles and make coffee. This is a rubber-meets-the-road experience, where young people hang out with innovators and make careers.  The Heritage Foundation is a research and educational institution—a think tank—whose mission is to formulate and promote conservative public policies based on the principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense.  Generation Opportunity is a free-thinking, liberty-loving, national organization of young people promoting the best of America: opportunity, creativity, and freedom. They seek to take the ideals of liberty and appeal to millennials through avenues not previously explored.  Foundation for Economic Education seeks to inspire, educate and connect future leaders with the economic, ethical and legal principles of a free society. They seek to make the economic, ethical and legal principles of a free society widely accessible, easily understood, and energizing to young minds.  America's Future Foundation seeks to identify and develop young professional leaders for liberty. That mission is accomplished by providing principled young professionals with opportunities they could not find elsewhere including events, a job board, opportunities, the “Free the Future” blog, and chapters throughout the country. Here are the details: What: YAL Virginia State Convention featuring Jim Lark, David Boaz, and Lawrence Reed When: Saturday, April 18 Campaign Bootcamp: 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM Convention Program: 1:00 PM to 6:00 PM Where: Virginia Tech Graduate Life Center, Graduate Multipurpose Room 155 Otey Street Blacksburg, VA 24060 (map) Register here, Friend This is a convention you won't want to miss. So I hope to see you there. See you there! Cliff Maloney Jr. Northeast Regional Director Young Americans for Liberty