Ready Or Not, Here Comes Hillary! Weekly Update from Dinesh D'Souza Dear Friends, Ready or not, here she comes! Hillary made her official campaign announcement last weekend, and I am officially getting ready for Hillary. This summer, I'll have a new book out with Harper Collins that tells the true story of American progressivism and how it has led to Obama and Hillary. Let there be no doubt: Hillary will continue the same militantly progressive policies that Obama has pursued. Perhaps an appropriate campaign slogan for her would be, "The Nightmare Continues!" Have you noticed that instead of having a vibrant primary contest that allows issues to be debated and candidates tested, the Democrats instead have an anointing process for their new Chosen One? Watch how the media downplays the fact that the GOP candidates are young and ethnically diverse while the sole Democrat is, well, white and old. I'm thankful that Saturday Night Live—after being informed that Hillary isn't black—has returned to its irreverent skewering of presidential candidates! Watch the clip from last week:  I was on Newsmax TV yesterday to explain more about what we can expect from Hillary. Her stagecraft of late—would she really go to Chipotle if she wasn't running?—should be no surprise considering that the Clintons have always put on a show that is very different from the way they really live. Do even Democrats want an aging playboy and a ruthless power-seeker in the White House next? Watch the interview with Steve Malzberg:  The good news this week is that America, the #6 most successful political documentary of all time, has been trending on Netflix! Have you watched yet? Stream the movie instantly here. This year, I would like to help as many students around the country see my film as possible. The movie acts as an antidote to the liberal indoctrination that happens every day in public schools and colleges. That's why I'm offering to donate a copy of the film to a school or student for every copy that is purchased on my website! So if you don't yet own your own DVD, now is the time to get one for you and get one for a student! ORDER NOW Sincerely,  Dinesh D'Souza P.S. Who would have predicted 5 years ago that Obama would spurn allies like Israel and cozy up to Cuba and Iran? Actually, I did! |
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