Tolerance Is Not A One-Way Street Weekly Update from Dinesh D'Souza Dear Friends, Tolerance is not a one-way street. If gays in Indiana are entitled to their strongly-held convictions, why aren't Christians? Here's a note to liberals who have trouble reading: religious freedom is explicitly protected in the Constitution. Homosexual rights are not. What some of these gays really want is a law that says what they do is not immoral, not disgusting, and they are not going to hell. Suppressing moral criticism of homosexuality and forcing its social acceptance—that's what this hoopla is about. In reality, a Christian forced to compromise his religious beliefs has no choice in the matter, but a gay couple looking for a service can GO ELSEWHERE. I spoke with Sean Hannity on Tuesday about Indiana's new Religious Freedom Restoration Act. If we're going to extend social tolerance to homosexuality and transsexuality, how about a little tolerance for Christians who are just trying to live by their code of beliefs? Watch the full interview:  We also learned this week that Hillary Clinton permanently deleted all of the emails on her private server, possibly AFTER she received the demand for her records. Something very incriminating must have been in those emails! Having served on the Watergate investigation, Hillary should know what happens when deceitful people try to conceal evidence.  Here's my suggestion to Hillary: private emails are for people who want to remain in private life. Maybe you should think about it! The Obama team is now trying a weird tactic with GOP Senators to get Loretta Lynch confirmed: "what could be worse than Holder?" Click here to contact your senator today and tell them that a vote for Lynch is totally unacceptable. Contact Your Senator Sincerely,  Dinesh D'Souza |
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