Being A Political Prisoner In America Weekly Update from Dinesh D'Souza Dear Friends, I'm so excited to tell you that I will be speaking at a special FreedomFest luncheon in July, one of the first engagements I will do having completed my community confinement time in California. The topic of the talk will be "What It's Like to Be a Political Prisoner in America," so I really hope to see you there and share a little about my experience.  I'll be including an exclusive, leather-bound edition of my America book with registration for the luncheon, and there won't be any other way to get this book before July. Be one of the first to receive this special edition! Register for the event today using code DDFF15 for $100 off your pass! I like FreedomFest because it's where "free minds meet to celebrate great books, great ideas, and great thinkers." While I'm there, I will also be speaking on the existence of an afterlife and my debates with the late Christopher Hitchens. See you in July!  Last weekend on Mother's Day, I celebrated all that my mom has given me. My mother stayed home because my dad wanted to be something to everybody, but she wanted to be everything to somebody. I'm thankful for her, and I hope all of you who are mothers felt equally celebrated this week!  For those who are mothers, the time will come when you watch your son or daughter walk across a graduation stage. Being in the thick of graduation season this week, I am reminded of Conan's classic Dartmouth commencement address from 2011, something we would all benefit from taking 20 minutes to watch:  I was speaking with a graduating student who happens to be from South America this week, and she asked me, "How will I know when I have become an American?" My reply: "When you become a Republican." My best wishes go out to those students graduation this month all over our great country! Sincerely,  Dinesh D'Souza P.S. Remember Carey Wedler's Hillary takedown? I have another great video from a young girl who has some thoughts about who the first woman president should be. I'll send it to you this weekend! |
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