Looters & Progressives Weekly Update from Dinesh D'Souza Dear Friends, This week, Baltimore's Democratic mayor said that as part of the city's response to the riots, she would give looters "space to destroy." How's that working out? With the Baltimore riots, we are really witnessing how community organizers like Alinsky and Obama have destroyed jobs, home values, and hope.  Isn't a looter a poor-man's progressive, doing in a rough and small-scale way what progressives like Obama do smoothly and systematically? There's just one big difference: when looters rip you off, they don't usually pretend to be apostles of virtue! Speaking of apostles of virtue, we learned this week that of the $144 million that the Clinton Foundation raised in 2013, it only gave out $8 million in charity! Where did the rest of the money go? "Operating expenses" and "miscellaneous" line items, of course. While the Foundation's spending was obviously reckless, it's fundraising may have been illegal. The Constitution says rather clearly that U.S. officials cannot take money from foreign governments without the approval of Congress, yet the Clinton Foundation regularly accepted large sums of cash from governments around the world—many of them unfriendly to the U.S. and human rights—while Hillary was the Secretary of State. I explained to Dana on TheBlaze TV what this means for Hillary:  I wonder what Hillary's asking price is for the United States? Let's see if Democrats have the decency to demand accountability from Hillary for her bribery scheme called the Clinton Foundation! I celebrated my 54th birthday this week, and I received such an outpouring of well-wishes and support from my many online friends, that I recorded a special thank you video just for you. In it, I also lay out the road ahead for me:  The America Education Outreach program and Movie to Movement sponsored the 40th Annual Student Advocacy Workshop in Sacramento last week, where more than 100 students watched and received a copy of America. The students also had a chance to discuss the film with me via Skype! Here are some highlights from the event:  Sincerely,  Dinesh D'Souza P.S. The president's brother Malik spoke out in a new interview, calling Obama "cold," "ruthless," "dishonest" and a "schemer." Oh, now he tells us! |
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