Friday, August 28, 2015
Do We Need Gun Control Or Thug Control?
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
VIDEO: Progressive John Debates Patriotic John
Thursday, August 20, 2015
InstaPoll: Defunding Planned Parenthood
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Recently, undercover videos were released by the Center of Medical Progress showing Planned Parenthood officials discussing obtaining and processing fetal tissue from abortions to be used for research. In response, the House Judiciary Committee and the House Energy and Commerce Committee have launched investigations into the allegations that Planned Parenthood violated federal law by profiting from this transfer of tissue from unborn children. Among other things, federal law prohibits, "alteration of the timing, method, or procedures used to terminate the pregnancy" if that alteration is made "solely for the purposes of obtaining the tissue." Additionally, many lawmakers have called for the government to halt public funding for Planned Parenthood, and instead funnel those federal funds to clinics that can provide a range of health services to women while also respecting the sanctity of life. Legislation has been introduced both to institute a one year moratorium on Planned Parenthood funding, as well as to permanently ban federal government funding for the organization. Find the results of last week's InstaPoll here.
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Monday, August 17, 2015
VIDEO: What's A Constitution Among Friends?
Thursday, August 13, 2015
Supporting our military and veterans
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At the end of June, reports surfaced highlighting the severe mismanagement of funds at the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). These reports re-ignited an ongoing national discussion over whether the President and his Administration are doing enough to support veterans and active duty servicemembers. |
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Monday, August 10, 2015
VIDEO: 10 Ways To Spot A Liberal
Friday, August 7, 2015
Trump Scares The Pants Off The GOP
Thursday, August 6, 2015
Wireless taxes and fees
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The average American pays an estimated tax rate of 17% in combined federal, state, and local taxes and fees each month on wireless services, according to the Tax Foundation's Wireless Taxation in the United States, 2014 report. The impact of these taxes and fees are widespread for many Americans, as cell phones are increasingly their sole means of communication and connectivity. According to the Pew Research Center, as of January 2014, 90% of American adults have cell phones and about two-in-five U.S. households were "wireless-only" households. Congressman Forbes is a co-sponsor of this bill. Take the Poll here |
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See you tomorrow?
Will you be joining my 4th District Job Fair in Chesterfield tomorrow? Details are below. My hope is that the job fairs this summer will serve as a catalyst for employers and potential employees to form constructive working relationships and to learn about jobs and career opportunities available in the Fourth Congressional District and across the Commonwealth.
Chesterfield Job Fair
Friday, August 7, 2015
9:00 am – 2:00 pm
L.C. Bird High School
10301 Courthouse Road, Chesterfield, VA 23237
To join us, you can register quickly and easily online, here: https://2015chesterfieldjobfair.eventbrite.com. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to Ron White in my Chesterfield Office at (804) 318-1363, or Ronald.White@mail.house.gov.
Yours in service,
P.S. Mark your calendar for Tuesday, August 11th as well. We will be hosting a second job fair in Chesapeake at Greenbrier Middle School (1016 Greenbrier Parkway, Chesapeake, VA 23320) from 9AM-12PM. Click here to register quickly and easily online: https://2015chesapeakejobfair.eventbrite.com. If you have any questions, please contact Curtis Byrd in my Chesapeake Office at 757-382-0080, Curtis.Byrd@mail.house.gov
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Tuesday, August 4, 2015
Have you marked your calendar? You are Invited to my 4th District Job Fairs
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Friend --
Contact: Curtis Byrd in my Chesapeake Office, at 757-382-0080, Curtis.Byrd@mail.house.gov Contact: Ronald O. White in my Chesterfield Office at 804-318-1363, Ronald.White@mail.house.gov Why do these job fairs matter? Well, because I believe a job is not just a means to a pay check. Whether you are a recent college graduate, considering changing careers, or trying to support your family, a job is hope. It's hope for a tomorrow that is better than today, and hope that you will be able to provide greater opportunities for your children. I hope to see you there!Randy PS – If you haven't already, please sign up for my weekly e-mail newsletter | |
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Saturday, August 1, 2015
Talking Trump