Do We Need Gun Control Or Thug Control? Weekly Update from Dinesh D'Souza Dear Friends, In the wake of the tragic Virginia shooting, more information is surfacing about the shooter. Bryce Williams sent a 23-page suicide note to ABC after killing Alison Parker and Adam Ward in which he said he would "bring on the race war" in response to the shooting in Charleston. His hatred of whites was marinated in years of progressive propaganda that told him how he was a victim of societal racism. Racism can provoke wanton violence, but so can an aggrieved sense of minority victimization. We now know that Williams was a staunch progressive and Obama supporter, and most likely subscribed to their narrative of black oppression—he was reprimanded at the news station for wearing an Obama pin on the job on Election Day, a clear violation of journalistic ethics. Let's hope that Obama expresses sympathy for the white victims and not for the shooter!  Obama and the media seem to be resolutely colorblind when black people do horrific things but acutely race conscious when white people do them. For example, we haven't seen any headlines like this one:  If it had been the other around, we'd be hearing all about the "white racist and homophobic killer." And speaking of double standards, will the same leftists who sought to ban the Confederate flag after the Charleston shooting now take down those rainbow flags we see all over the place? All the left wants to talk about now is gun control. In reality, what we need is THUG control. I have an idea: why don't we just have all angry demented progressives turn in their guns? In perhaps related news, most Americans now disapprove of Obama and say the U.S. is doing badly (according to a new CNN poll)—but our narcissist-in-chief retains his high opinion of himself! Try as I might, I just cannot imitate Obama's self-important look—it comes so naturally to him:   Do you think there is a double standard in the way Obama and the media discussed this shooting versus the Charleston shooting? Comment on my Facebook Page and let me know! Sincerely,  Dinesh D'Souza P.S. What has America ever done for us? Watch this video to find out. |
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