A Leftist Student Challenged Me To... Weekly Update from Dinesh D'Souza Dear Friends, With over 200,000 views yesterday alone, this video clip from an appearance I made at Amherst College earlier this year is one of the most popular new videos on my website. In it, a self-satisfied campus leftist challenges me to expose him as a hypocrite on the topic of white privilege, so I do. Notice the wily leftist professor egging on her smarmy acolyte:  Perhaps one of the reasons the left is so fed up with free speech lately is because they always seem to lose in an honest debate! If you want to watch my full discussion on America's role in the world from Amherst, click here. During the talk, I explain what the world would be like without America, and it's not a pretty picture! This week, I've been enjoying spending time with my daughter Danielle in London. We went to church at St. Paul's, saw Les Misérables, visited the Christmas tree at Covent Garden, and even walked through the pub where Samuel Johnson, Adam Smith, Boswell, Burke, Garrick, Goldsmith, and Hume all drank and conversed:     Even though I'm abroad, Obama is still unfortunately at home. How did we get to the point where this street pamphleteer became our imperious overlord, ignoring Congress, the courts, the law? Obama's motto must be this Nixon quote: "If the president does it, that means it is not illegal." In my new op-ed for WND, I explain where Obama learned this disregard for the law and picked up the art of the con. As a penniless student at the University of Chicago, Saul Alinsky hit upon a clever way to eat meals without having to pay for them. To find out what the first of Alinsky's organized scams was and how he trained Obama (and Hillary) to pull off their modern day heist of American wealth, click here to read the op-ed. For a complete explanation of the progressive plan to take over the levers of control in America, pick up a copy of my latest book—Stealing America. In it, I explain what my experience with the criminal gangs in confinement taught me about Obama and Hillary. I've signed only 75 copies of this book and made them available exclusively through my website, so if you'd like a copy or would like to give a copy for Christmas, hurry and order a signed one before they're gone!  ORDER A SIGNED COPY NOW If you want a preview of what you'll learn in Stealing America, I told Laura Ingraham more about the book's exposé of the left's plan in this radio interview. Sincerely,  Dinesh D'Souza P.S. C-SPAN Book TV will air my talk on Stealing America on Sunday at 1:30 PM ET. Tune in and then send me a tweet and let me know what you thought! |
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