What I Read Dear Friends, Today I wanted to share with you a powerful resource that I read every week. For over 13 years, tothesource has been sending weekly emails featuring informed opinion on current cultural issues. The exclusive articles address a variety of topics and the related moral and ethical issues they raise.  tothesource is a forum for integrating thinking and action within a Judeo-Christian moral framework. They report the insights of cultural experts on the specific issues Americans face, believing these sources will embolden people to greater faith and involvement in their lives. Here's what drives tothesource: "We live complex lives. We strive to sort out priorities that sometimes conflict or seem incompatible. A moral framework is needed to help us understand the reality around us. Our Judeo-Christian heritage provides a framework to help us comprehend the choices we make and the conflicts that arise over them. It is not only the main source of our spiritual values, but also many of the secular values we depend on." Best of all, this weekly email is free of charge. Just click here to subscribe. SUBSCRIBE NOW I hope you enjoy their rich content. Sincerely,  Dinesh D'Souza P.S. I love their tagline: "Challenging hardcore secularism with religious freedom." |
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