Obama's Delusional #SOTU Weekly Update from Dinesh D'Souza Dear Friends, I didn't really expect Obama to tell us that the state of the union is mighty screwed up because of him on Tuesday, but I had no idea he would be so deluded about his own unpopularity! The poor man seems to have no idea that the expiration date for his trademark BS has long passed. The president who came to office with a bang in 2008 will leave it with a whimper. Here's my favorite headline following the State of the Union address (and it's not a joke): President Puts Joe Biden In Charge Of Curing Cancer. That one was good for a laugh with my morning coffee on Wednesday!  In addition to deciding that curing cancer is within the purview and capabilities of the government, Obama also seems to misunderstand that America is not great because of him, but despite him! Acknowledging Tuesday that "America is already great," Obama should be made to answer for his agenda to "remake" the country. Besides the shockingly disconnected State of the Union address, this was actually a joyous week for my family! My wonderful fiancée celebrated the 35th anniversary of her 15th birthday on Sunday—can you believe this chola turned 50?  And yesterday, my beautiful daughter Danielle celebrated her 21st birthday—I'm definitely a proud dad!  I'm truly blessed. Send me a tweet and let me know what you're thankful for this week! Sincerely,  Dinesh D'Souza P.S. A liberal who's been mugged, it's said, becomes a conservative. But what does a conservative become when he's mugged by the justice system? The American Thinker tries to answer that question with their review of Stealing America this week. |
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