Dear Members, **Please note location for Continuing Revolution Rally**  Today many of you will be joining us at the Robert A. Taft Memorial in Washington, DC, at high noon to show our Representatives that we demand responsible representation. Many more of you will be back home, juggling your everyday lives while making phone calls, sending faxes, emails, Tweeting and Facebooking your Representatives asking for more of the same. For more information on today's events go to Know that each and every single one of you participating in any capacity is important to Continuing our Revolution. Also be prepared, for they will surely mock our efforts, they will call us names, and they will do everything in their power to place the problems of our nation on our shoulders, but the truth is clear. This fiscal year began under a House of Representatives, a Senate, and a White House all dominated by Democrats and the Obama, Pelosi, Reid "Leadership." We wouldn't be battling over continuing resolutions if they had done their jobs and passed a budget at the beginning of the year. Perhaps they understood at the time that passing such a massive budget would have been rejected by the American people and would have only amplified the shellacking they experienced on November 2. Instead, they decided that we would operate on short term resolutions that would pass their massive spending agenda piece by piece in an effort to make it easier for Americans to swallow. Thankfully you all are much smarter than that and you caught on to their tactics. They will tell us that we don't understand, that these problems we face are much more complicated than we could possibly comprehend, but the American people understand this much better than the politicians. In our everyday lives we are faced with decisions. Some are simple and some are severely difficult, yet we know that at the end of the day we must make a choice. In Washington, they like to continue putting off tough decisions in an effort to make it to the next election where they will over promise significant changes only to play politics in slow motion once they have won reelection for the sake of making it to the next election and so on and so forth. The time for putting up with these tactics has to come to an end if we are to preserve liberty and prosperity for our children. We simply can't afford to allow Washington to continue playing games. If you can make it to Washington today, we'd love to have you stand with us. If you are unable to make it, we know that you are standing with us all across the country. Keep it up and together we will continue this Tea Party Patriots revolution. | Why should I attend the CRR? | Why should you attend the Continuing Revolution Rally? We spoke loudly in November, but the political memory span is apparently extremely short term. It is time for us to remind Washington that we mean business.Our country is in critical financial despair, our economy is stuck in recession, and all Americans are feeling the effects. Meanwhile, it's business as usual in Washington. They are continuing their resolutions which don't seem to be resolving much of anything. It's time that Washington start making the tough decisions by cutting unnecessary federal spending, eliminating the unpopular and unconstitutional Obama Care, and creating a budget that will place us back on the road to prosperity. This is no time for stopping! We must continue our Tea Party Patriots revolution! Will you join us? ^ Back to Top | Event Details | When: Thursday, March 31, 2011 from 12pm - 1:30pm Where: Robert A. Taft Memorial, Washington, DC (see map >>) Speakers: Tea Party Patriots Co-Founder Jenny Beth Martin Rep. Mike Pence (IN) Rep. Michele Bachmann (MN) Rep. Steve King (IA) Rep. Louie Gohmert (TX) Rep. Jim Jordan (OH) Rep. Tom Graves (GA) Rep. Joe Walsh (IL) Rep. Allen West (FL) Rep. Ted Poe (TX) Rep. Raul Labrador (ID) Sen. Tom Coburn (OK) Bishop EW Jackson Andrew Langer, President of The Institute for Liberty Colin Hanna, Founder of Let Freedom Ring Dick Morris, NY Times Best Selling Author and Commentator Click here to visit the Continuing Revolution Rally page!
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What if I can't make it to DC? | If you can't make it to DC this week there is plenty you can do to participate in the Continuing Revolution. 1. Go to the Continuing Revolution page at We are trying something new and hope to bring the rally to you via UStream video. 2. List your local rally/protest on the CRR page. 3. Find a local rally/protest at the CRR page. 4. Call, email, or fax your representatives. 5. Update your Facebook status to show your support of the Continuing Revolution Rallies and demand responsible representation from Washington. 5. Tweet about the Continuing Revolution Rallies and Tweet your Representatives and Senators. 6. Tell your friends and family how important it is that we hold our representatives accountable. 7. Donate to help offset the costs involved in running the event.
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| Your Tea Party Patriots National Coordinator Team, Debbie Dooley, Jenny Beth Martin, Mark Meckler, Sally Oljar, Diana Reimer, and Dawn Wildman
TPP Support email: TPP Support phone number: 404-593-0877 Tea Party Patriots, Inc. operates as a social welfare organization organized under section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to Tea Party Patriots, Inc. are not deductible as charitable contributions for income tax purposes.
| | Tea Party Sunshine |  | Join us in shining a light on our governments from the federal to the local level, sunshine is the best way to ensure transparency and accountability. | American Policy Summit |  If you missed the 1st Annual American Policy Summit, you can see what you missed here. |
Health Care Compacts | 
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