Friday, March 11, 2011

Fwd: Call to Action: Call to Defund Obamacare Today

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Stand Against Obamacare Funding

On Monday, March 14, The House of Representatives is planning to vote on a new extension of the Continuing Resolution (CR) to fund the government. 

Representatives Michele Bachman and Steve King report that the House Republican Leadership has not yet agreed to include a provision to rescind the $105 billion that was surreptitiously inserted by the Democrats in the Obamacare legislation. 

We are urgently asking Patriots to melt the phones of all Republican Representatives today, Friday, March 11:

1. Urge them to pledge to vote "NO" on the next CR unless it contains a provision to defund Obamacare of the billions that were secretly and fraudulently appropriated by the old Democratic Congress..  If this is not done now, this funding will be self-perpetuating into the future.

2. Then, place a second call to the Speaker's Office and urge Speaker Boehner to honor the will of the voters (who gave him a Republican majority and the Speaker's Office) by including a provision to rescind the $105 billion with which Obamacare has already saddled the American Taxpayer. 

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Debbie Dooley, Jenny Beth Martin, Mark Meckler, Sally Oljar, Diana Reimer, and Dawn Wildman

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TPP Support phone number: 404-593-0877  

Dawn Wildman (
Mark Meckler (
Debbie Dooley (

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