DefenseNews reports that the U.S. has announced it is ready to provide hardware to modernize the military of the Philippines, which vowed to "stand up to aggressive action" amid rising tensions at sea with China. While on a visit to Washington, Filipino Foreign Secretary Albert del Rosario said that the Philippines hoped to lease equipment for the purpose of upgrading its aged fleet and called for the two nations to revamp their relationship in light of the friction with China. http://www.defensenews.com/story.php?i=6906530&c=ASI&s=TOP
PHILIPPINES, U.S. TO HOLD NAVAL DRILLS NEAR DISPUTED WATERS. The U.S. and the Philippines will begin 11 days of maritime security exercises near disputed waters in the South China Sea next week, with the Philippines buoyed by a renewed U.S. pledge of support in boosting its military capabilities. Lieutenant Noel Cadigal of the Philippine navy said two U.S. guided missile destroyers and a salvage ship would join four Philippine gunboats for gunnery, patrol and interdiction drills off the southern tip of Palawan Island. Secretary of State Clinton said yesterday: "I want to underscore our commitment to the defense of the Philippines." http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/06/24/us-philippines-usa-drills-idUSTRE75N1GC20110624
VIETNAM TO HOLD JOINT NAVAL DRILL WITH U.S. Vietnam has announced that it will conduct a joint naval exercise with the United States amid regional tensions over territorial claims in the South China Sea. No date was provided for the exercise. http://www.straitstimes.com/BreakingNews/SEAsia/Story/STIStory_683071.html
DID U.S. PUSH CHINA OVER THE EDGE? A piece from The Diplomat asks why China is taking a more aggressive approach to its territorial claims in the South China Sea, and if this aggression is in reaction to U.S. involvement in the region. From the piece: "Despite China's rhetoric, ASEAN nations are genuinely alarmed and are looking to the United States for succour and support…China has decided it disagrees with portions of the U.N. Law of the Sea Treaty that it ratified and with international law that Western powers developed and have imposed on China while it was weak. China is indeed serious about its nine-dashed line claim to all features, waters and resources of the South China Sea and it alone will decide the passage regime to be imposed therein." http://the-diplomat.com/2011/06/24/did-us-push-china-over-the-edge/
THE 90TH BIRTHDAY OF CHINA'S COMMUNIST PARTY CELEBRATED AMONG SOCIAL DISSENT. A piece from the Council on Foreign Relations discusses the state of social and political unrest in China as the Communist Party prepares to turn 90 on July 1st. From the piece: "During its tenth decade, the costs of the party's success are likely to become more apparent. Massive official corruption and the growing gap between rich and poor are eroding Communist legitimacy, and environmental disasters loom ever larger…The number and breadth of mass protests, better known to Party leaders than to the world, cry out for a governmental system that will adequately reflect popular demands and effectively respond to widespread grievances." http://www.cfr.org/china/happy-returns/p25332
PAKISTAN COURTS CHINA AS RELATIONS WITH U.S. STRAIN. In Abbottabad Pakistan, the city where Osama bin Laden was killed, city officials are looking to China to invest in the region to bring roads, energy, trade and jobs. The former mayor of Abbottabad said, "China is our path to prosperity." From the piece in the Washington Post: "Many Pakistani leaders believe the same can be true for the entire country: With U.S.-Pakistani relations at their lowest point since 2001, top Pakistani officials have been actively promoting China as an alternative benefactor that could deliver badly needed economic and military assistance without relentless criticism offered by Washington." http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/asia-pacific/pakistan-courts-china-as-relations-with-us-grow-strained/2011/06/19/AGDCyWfH_story.html
CHINA DETAILS FREED ARTIST'S RESTRICTIONS. China has outlined the terms of release for internationally known artist Ai Weiwei. These restrictions include a strict restriction of movement, and a ban on speaking to the media. Mr. Ai, who was released on a form of bail on Wednesday night, is still under investigation for economic crimes for the next year and is not permitted to leave the county where he lives. A Chinese official said that Mr. Ai, who helped design the Beijing Olympic Bird's Nest stadium, must report to court when summoned and is not permitted to interfere with witnesses or evidence. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702304231204576403493599246196.html
AN AUTHOR'S EXPERIENCE WITH CHINESE CENSORSHIP. A Chinese artist describes his experience with China's censors in a world with the internet: "In China today, more and more people want to hear the truth but not many dare to speak it. And so, even if our Internet mice play only a game of wits with the government cats and do not engage in an action sport, it remains a source of comfort to us." http://www.nytimes.com/2011/06/24/opinion/global/24iht-june24-ihtmag-hua-28.html
FREED CHINESE ARTIST REMAINS SILENT. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/06/24/world/asia/24china.html
The Caucus Brief is a daily publication for Members of Congress and Hill Staffers on China news and information compiled by the office of Congressman Randy Forbes, Founder of the Congressional China Caucus. Email Reed.Eckhold@mail.house.gov with tips, comments, or to subscribe/unsubscribe.
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