Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Fwd: LIVE Tea Party Q&A: Presidential Candidates - Today: Rick Santorum

From: Katrina Pierson <>
Date: Tue, Jun 21, 2011 at 3:32 PM
Subject: LIVE Tea Party Q&A: Presidential Candidates - Today: Rick Santorum

Join us Live Tuesday, June 21st with Rick Sanatorium at 1:30PM CST

** Rick Santorum has a 90 minute delay**

Show should start at 3:00pmCST

LIVE - Presidential Candidate Interviews


Join Tea Party Review Magazine along the Iowa Bus Tour for one on one interviews with the


Presidential Candidates LIVE on the website.




1:30pm CST Tuesday 6/21 - Rick Santorum


Wednesday - 6/22 - Herman Cain


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