Volume 49 January 27, 2012 2012 is here -- the chance to change course -- to reject the failed, fearful policies of the Obama Democrats and embrace a new course of greater freedom and opportunity for all. In under 10 short months, Americans will go to the polls to elect the next President of the United States -- and it's up to us to ensure that it is not Barack Obama. So let's roll up our sleeves and get started! RNC Chairman Reince Priebus ELECTION COUNTDOWN Florida primary: 4 Days Nevada Caucuses: 8 Days Election Day: 284 Days | FOLLOW US  | In this week's installment: Nothing On But Reruns... If you thought the 2012 State of the Union was very similar to President Obama's past State of the Union speeches, you were right... One-Term Proposition Check out the RNC's new hard-hitting ad exposing the "State of Our Union" under the failed presidency of Barack Obama. No One at the Wheel "The Oval Office must be a quiet place these days. Trying desperately to save his job, Barack Obama has given up on actually doing his job. He's courting wealthy donors for campaign cash. He's crisscrossing the country rallying disaffected voters. And he's running disingenuous ads in five battleground states." (Reince Priebus, "President Obama Has Given Up On Doing His Job," Fox News, 1/22/2012) Audacity of Hypocrisy "Over the last three years, Barack Obama has proven to be nothing but a typical politician --willing to promise anything, and equally willing to break any promise." (Reince Priebus, "The Ethics of Audacity," Townhall, 1/18/2012) That's Stretching It Unable to run on his record of radical ideology and failed policies, Barack Obama's desperate new campaign advertisement makes many fabulous claims that don't hold up. (Analysis, "Obama's First Ad Riddled With Falsehoods," Fox News, 1/19/2011) Strangers to Reason "Reasonable Profits Board?" Here's an idea for liberal Democrats in Congress with too much time on their hands -- how about a "Reasonable Budget Board" to police bloated liberal spending and runaway debt? (Pete Kasperowicz, "Dems Propose Reasonable Profits Board to Regulate Oil Company Profit," The Hill, 1/19/2012) A Better Question Commentator Nile Gardiner turns Obama-loving liberal journalist Andrew Sullivan's recent -- and ludicrous -- question on its head. (Nile Gardiner, "Why Are Barack Obama's Critics So Smart?" Telegraph, 1/17/2012) Nobody's Fooled "Opponents say it would threaten the groundwater in Nebraska, where some 21,000 miles of pipeline already exist. But, as the American Enterprise Institute's Kenneth Green notes, any spilled oil would have to flow uphill to reach the Ogallala Aquifer." (Jonah Goldberg, "A Question of Priorities: Whatever He Claims, Creating Jobs Isn't What Motivates Obama," National Review, 1/20/2012) Dumbo Visits Disney "Hey, Mr. President! You've just destroyed the Keystone XL pipeline project and thousands of new union jobs. What are you gonna do now? 'I'm going to Disney World.'" (Andrew Malcolm, "Obama to Disney World to Talk Up Tourism Today, But Tourists Are Banned," Investors, 1/19/2012) Unforced Error "Vice President Joe Biden took the handoff and headed for the end zone. Blockers in front of him, plenty of daylight, and -- speaking in the friendly confines of not-so-conservative San Francisco -- the VP even had the political home-field advantage. Then Biden, just inches from paydirt, threw in a last-second juke for style points, shouting out that 'the Giants are on their way to the Super Bowl.'" Not quite what 49er fans wanted to hear... (Dave Urbanski, "Joe Biden's Major Gaffe at the Expense of 49ers Fans," The Blaze, 1/19/2012) Join the RNC Mobile Army! When you become a member of the new GOP Mobile Army, you'll be the first to see the GOP's newest TV ads and receive exclusive interviews, messages and contests designed only for our mobile audience. Text UNITE to 91919 to join the GOP Mobile Army today! Message and data rates may apply. RNC on the Go: If you haven't already, please take a moment to sign up to follow us on Facebook, You can also follow Chairman Priebus's Twitter feed @ReincePriebus or check out his fan page on Facebook! Weekly Republican Video Address: Be sure to check out this past week's GOP Video message from Rep. Jeb Hensarling. |
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