Volume 48; January 19, 2012 2012 is here -- the chance to change course -- to reject the failed policies of the Obama Democrats and embrace a new course of greater freedom and opportunity for all. In just 10 short months, Americans will go to the polls to elect the next President of the United States -- and it's up to us to ensure that it is not Barack Obama. So let's roll up our sleeves and get started!
RNC Chairman Reince Priebus
ELECTION COUNTDOWN South Carolina Primary: 2 Days Florida primary: 12 Days Nevada Caucuses: 17 Days Super Tuesday: 48 Days Election Day: 292 Days | FOLLOW US  | In this week's installment: Radical Rejection Obama's radical anti-prosperity "green" base wins out over American job creation -- real shovel ready jobs -- and energy availability with his rejection of the Keystone XL Pipeline. (Editorial, "The Anti-Jobs President: Obama Rejects the Keystone XL Pipeline and Blames Congress," Wall Street Journal, 1/19/2012) RNC Winter Meeting Update "In 2008, Obama had no record. So he ran on hope and change. In 2012, he has a record. So he's running on fear and division. That means he's already admitted that he failed. Every time he tries to make the election about something other than his record, he's tacitly admitting failure." (Reince Priebus, "RNC Chairman Reince Priebus Remarks Excerpts From 2012 RNC Winter Meeting," GOP.com, 1/13/2012) Your Contributions Are Making a Difference "The past year 'was indeed a record-breaking year for the RNC,' said Chairman Reince Priebus in a statement. 'We raised more major-donor money this year than in any off-year in history, while our grassroots supporters continued to play a critical role in our financial success. Thanks to the generosity of all our supporters, the RNC will be a powerful force this election year.'" (Dave Boyer, "Rebounding RNC Bests Democrats in Money Chase," Washington Times, 1/12/2012) Obama's False Hope "'Hope and change' may have defined Obama's 2008 campaign, but 'false hope' more accurately defines his presidency. At the beginning of 2012, three years into the Obama presidency, 70 percent of Americans believe the country is now on the 'wrong track.'" (Reince Priebus & Wayne MacDonald, "Barack Obama's False Hope," Fosters.com, 1/9/2012) "America's Choice" Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson offers his election year strategy for making the choices voters will face in November clear. (Ron Johnson, "A 2012 Republican Strategy for Congress: A Series of Votes Can Clarify the Differences Between the Two Parties on Energy, Taxes, Spending and Regulation," Wall Street Journal, 1/11/2012) Blame Game "Obama has done nothing during his three years as president to address the central cause of the debt run up -- the unsustainable increases in entitlement spending. And he has actually worsened the deficit with a feckless $800 billion stimulus bill and a new $1 trillion health care entitlement. So this is not the Bush deficit. It is the Obama deficit, and it's threatening to ruin the country." (Keith Koffler, "Obama Called Smaller Bush Debt Rise 'Unpatriotic,'" White House Dossier, 1/13/2012) No Comparison As if the liberal elitists who underwrite Obama's "fundamental transformation" of our beloved nation into a socialist, oppressive "utopia" have anything in common with the patriots who fought and died to establish it. (Neil Munro, "Obama Acclaims Campaign Donors as Modern Day Minutemen," The Daily Caller, 1/10/2012) Fear Itself "In our New Year's poll, when asked what news event they fear most about 2012, Americans by a margin of two-to-one said Obama's reelection." (Paul Bedard, "Poll: Americans, 2-1, Fear Obama's Reelection," US News, 1/9/2012) Above the Law? "Mr. Obama believes that he no longer needs to seek the advice and consent of the Senate to appoint officials. He can just nominate them at the 11th hour, skip the required paperwork, complain when they aren't confirmed, then announce a 'recess' appointment when the Senate isn't on recess." (Diana Furchtgott-Roth, "NLRB: Obama Bludgeons the Constitution," Real Clear Markets, 1/12/2012) Visit Ottack2012.com The RNC has launched a new website "Ottack2012.com" to hold President Obama accountable for his record as a typical politician who resorts to negative campaign attacks because he is unable to run on his failed record. The website highlights how then-candidate Obama promised to provide post-partisan leadership but transformed into your standard, run-of-the-mill politician once he was inaugurated. Along with the website, the RNC released a web video entitled "Barack Obama: Typical Politician" demonstrating that President Obama won't be able to match the rhetoric of candidate Obama when he realizes his job is on the line. Join the RNC Mobile Army! When you become a member of the new GOP Mobile Army, you'll be the first to see the GOP's newest TV ads and receive exclusive interviews, messages and contests designed only for our mobile audience. Text UNITE to 91919 to join the GOP Mobile Army today! Message and data rates may apply. RNC on the Go: If you haven't already, please take a moment to sign up to follow us on Facebook, You can also follow Chairman Priebus's Twitter feed @ReincePriebus or check out his fan page on Facebook! Be sure to check out Sen. John Hoeven's new GOP video message here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=ivJbJyPcTjo |
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