| Volume 71 -- June 26, 2012
As we work together to defeat Barack Obama and elect Republican candidates up and down the ticket in November, Victory Insider continues to keep you informed about Campaign 2012 and our Party's fight for commonsense conservative policies in Washington. Thank you again for all you do for the RNC!
2012 ELECTION COUNTDOWN: Election Day: 133 Days
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**RNC Statement on the Supreme Court's Decision on the Arizona Immigration Law** Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus released the following statement on the Supreme Court's decision on the Arizona immigration law: "Once again we are reminded that President Obama has failed to keep his promise on immigration reform. In the absence of presidential leadership, states have acted on their own to serve their people and enforce the law, but the issue cannot fully be resolved with a president unwilling to keep his promises. This decision makes that job even more difficult, and it leaves Americans waiting for a plan the president promised to deliver years ago."
Pivotal Week With the Supreme Court set to rule this week on his signature ObamaCare health care takeover and his administration's attack on Arizona's illegal immigration policy, and a pending vote on declaring Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress over failure to release documents relating to the Fast & Furious scandal, this week is the biggest of Barack Obama's presidency. (Chris Cillizza, "Health-Care Ruling Will Cap a Consequential Week for Obama," Washington Post, 6/24/2012)
Desperate Measures As Barack Obama's failed handling of the economy, rigid leftist agenda, and constant shirking of blame become more evident, desperate liberals reflexively pull out the absurd "race card" strategy to attack his critics. (Michael Barone, "We're Just Not That Into Obama: The President's Backers Use Race As An Excuse For His Ebbing Support," National Review, 6/25/2012)
A Look Ahead Mitt Romney has released four new television campaign messages to highlight his plans for the first hundred days of a Romney White House in the key battleground states of Iowa, North Carolina, Ohio, and Virginia -- check them out. (Alicia M. Cohn, "Romney Unveils New Swing-State Ads," The Hill, 6/22/2012)
Time For Real Change As voters look to shed the self-serving, bloated public sector unions and their Democrat allies who drain the public treasury while taxpayers and private sector workers go without, Mitt Romney offers them a refreshing, free market-friendly alternative for government. (Sean Lengell, "Romney Stirs Up Challenge on Unions' Own Turf: Wisconsin is New Bellwether," Washington Times, 6/21/2012)
False Advertising The Washington Post's Glenn Kessler reveals the bogus nature of the incendiary accusations leveled at Mitt Romney and his accomplishments in the private sector and government in the latest Obama campaign spot. (Glenn Kessler, "4 Pinocchios for Obama's Newest Anti-Romney Ad," Washington Post, 6/20/2012)
Building Momentum As Governor Romney winds up a successful six-state campaign swing across the Midwest and Northeast, RNC Political Director Rick Wiley explains how the GOP candidate's message is resonating with voters dissatisfied with Barack Obama's disastrous economic agenda. (Rick Wiley, "Every Town Counts: GOP Has Momentum on Obama's Old Turf," GOP.com, 6/20/2012)
Flip-Flop, Pander, Repeat "As Obama himself argued in rejecting the executive action he has now undertaken, 'America is a nation of laws, which means I, as the president, am obligated to enforce the law. I don't have a choice about that.' Except, apparently, when violating that solemn obligation serves his reelection needs." (Charles Krauthammer, "The Immigration Bombshell: Naked Lawlessness -- President Obama is Subverting the Constitutional Order," National Review, 6/21/2012)
Obama's Job Growth Fantasy "President Obama announced two weeks ago that 'the private sector is doing fine.' Though he later backpedaled from this remark, he stood by his fundamental contention that the private sector was creating large numbers of jobs, and that more money needed to be spent by the government to keep up the public-sector pace. A series of new reports shows the private sector is doing anything but fine, and that government-created jobs are a waste of taxpayer money." (Editorial, "Obama's Dishonest Jobs Math: 'The Private Sector is Doing Fine,' Week 2," Washington Times, 6/21/2012)
Hypocritical Privilege Once harshly critical of presidential executive privilege, Barack Obama invokes the claim himself to stymie the House Oversight & Government Reform Committee's request for thousands of documents pertaining to the Fast & Furious scandal engulfing Eric Holder's Justice Department. (Editorial, "Hiding Behind Executive Privilege," National Review, 6/21/2012)
ObamaCare Oppression The Obama Administration is planning to implement provisions of the ObamaCare health care takeover, regardless if the coercive mandate which forces Americans to buy health insurance is struck down as unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. (Chris Stirewalt, "White House Readies Ramming Speed if Supremes Strike Down Mandate," Fox News, 6/19/2012)
It's All About Barack "Just when you thought the Obama campaign couldn't get any more desperate, they come up with this: the Obama Event Registry, asking supporters who are getting married, having a birthday, or celebrating an anniversary to direct gift-givers to Obama's re-election website." (Ben Shapiro, "Obama Campaign: Tell Your Wedding Guests to Send Us Money," Breitbart, 6/22/2012)
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RNC on the Go: If you haven't already, please take a moment to sign up to follow us on Facebook. You can also follow Chairman Priebus's Twitter feed @Reince or check out his fan page on Facebook!
Weekly Republican Video Address: In this week's address, Rep. Bill Cassidy, M.D. (R-LA) discusses House Republicans' focus on jobs and fully repealing the president's health care law. The law makes it difficult for small businesses to expand and hire new workers, it drives up health care costs, and it's making our economy worse. After the Supreme Court's decision, House Republicans will work to implement reforms that give the power of choice and control to the patient -- not government bureaucracy. |
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