| Volume 68 -- June 4, 2012
As we work together to defeat Barack Obama and elect Republican candidates up and down the ticket in November, Victory Insider continues to keep you informed about Campaign 2012 and our Party's fight for commonsense conservative policies in Washington. Thank you again for all you do for the RNC!
2012 ELECTION COUNTDOWN: Election Day: 155 Days
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Reckoning in Wisconsin "A single election rarely determines a democracy's fate, but some matter more than others. Tuesday's recall election of Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker is one that matters a great deal because it will test whether taxpayers have any hope of controlling the entitlement state and its dominant special interests." (Editorial, "The Wisconsin Recall Stakes: A Test of Whether Taxpayers Can Control the Entitlement State," Wall Street Journal, 6/3/2012)
Obama Only Cares About One Job "Far too many Americans are out of work, without enough work, or giving up on looking for work altogether. President Obama is working hard to keep his job. It's just a shame he's not working as hard to ensure unemployed Americans can find jobs for themselves." (Reince Priebus, "On Jobs, Obama is Running From Reality," Red State, 6/1/2012)
More of the Same The rising unemployment numbers just released reveal job creators' continuing lack of faith in Barack Obama's disastrous handling of our economy. (Josh Mitchell, "Grim Jobs Data Upend Debate at Fed, in Campaign: Payrolls Rise by Just 69,000; Jobless Rate Ticks Up to 8.2%," Wall Street Journal, 6/1/2012)
Romney Campaign On Its Game "As an Obama supporter tried in vain to organize a cheer of, 'I say 'O,' and you say, 'bama,' the Romney crowd seamlessly improvised to shout down another cheer of 'four more years' with 'five more months.' As Axelrod took the microphone, he looked out at a sea of Romney posters reading, 'Obama Isn't working,' freshly shipped up Beacon Hill from the campaign's headquarters in the North End." (Glenn Johnson, "Mitt Romney's State House Counter-Rally Shows Campaign's Nimbleness to Date," Boston Globe, 6/1/2012)
Not The Peoples' Work "A brand new 'work' week starts today for the president of the United States. Obama is off to New York City on Air Force One for not one, not two, but three more campaign fundraisers. First things first. That makes nine fundraisers in the last two 'work' days." (Andrew Malcolm, "Obama's New Week: Could it Possibly Be Any Worse Than His Last One?" Investors.com, 6/4/2012)
Obvious Motive Eric Holder's Justice Department discourages Florida from trying to ensure that its election results are protected from fraudulent and ineligible voters because the Obama Campaign is relying on their votes. (Katie Pavlich, "DOJ to Florida: Don't You Dare Clean Up Your Voter Rolls," Townhall, 6/1/2012)
A Recall They'll Regret? Wisconsin Democrats and Big Labor, desperate to reverse the free market, commonsense reforms of Republican Governor Scott Walker, may find out on June 5th that they were better off before they bet their future for his recall. (Michael Walsh, "Wisconsin End Game: Anti-Reform War Ends Tuesday," New York Post, 5/31/2012)
Bill Clinton Lauds Romney's Business Experience As the Obama Campaign desperately tries to make its class warfare, free market-bashing strategy of envy stick against Mitt Romney, fellow Democrat and former President Bill Clinton pops their bubble, saying Governor Romney "had a sterling business career." (Byron Tau, "Bill Clinton: Mitt Romney's Business Record 'Sterling,'" Politico, 5/31/2012)
Change of Heart "Artur Davis, one of President Obama's earliest supporters and a former co-chairman for his presidential campaign, announced Tuesday that he was leaving the Democratic Party for good. In a post published Tuesday on his website, Davis was vague about his future political endeavors, but declared: 'If I were to run, it would be as a Republican.'" (Morgan Little, "Artur Davis, Former Prominent Obama Backer, Leaves Democratic Party," Los Angeles Times, 5/30/2012)
The Six Million Dollar Job Obama spent $90 billion of your money on "green energy projects" in his disastrous "Stimulus" scheme to create 16,100 jobs. That's 6 million dollars per job created. Of course, when just one bankrupt company like Solyndra blows $535 million, it's easy to see how quickly the money disappears. (Brian Hughes, "Green Energy Jobs Far Short of Obama Goal," Washington Examiner, 5/26/2012)
"Obama's Chutzpah" "Barack Obama claims he knows more about Judaism than any other president. Despite this boast, Republican challenger Mitt Romney is on track to get the largest proportion of Jewish votes of any Republican since Ronald Reagan." (Editorial, "Obama's Chutzpah: More Jewish Voters Are Leaning Republican This Year," Washington Times, 5/30/2012)
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Weekly Republican Video Address: Texas Senator John Cornyn delivers the Weekly Republican Address on the need to prevent the largest tax increase in American history, saying, "The bipartisan consensus is simple: We should lower the rates and broaden the base... but we won't get real tax reform until we get real Presidential leadership." Republicans are working to help create a better environment for job creation, protect family incomes, and strengthen the economy. As Senator Cornyn says, "The time for action is now. The longer that President Obama dithers, the greater the harm to our economy." |
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