| Volume 73 -- July 10, 2012
As we work together to defeat Barack Obama and elect Republican candidates up and down the ticket in November, Victory Insider continues to keep you informed about Campaign 2012 and our Party's fight for commonsense conservative policies in Washington. Thank you again for all you do for the RNC!
2012 ELECTION COUNTDOWN: Election Day: 119 Days
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"It Doesn't Have to Be This Way" As the evidence mounts that Barack Obama's Big Government, Tax-and-Spend, Spend, Spend agenda has been nothing short of disastrous for American workers and families, Mitt Romney reminds us that there is a better way. (Daniel Halper, "Romney: It Doesn't Have to Be This Way," Weekly Standard, 7/6/2012)
Fire Obama -- That's the Best Stimulus RNC Chairman Reince Priebus appeared on Fox News Sunday, making the case for bringing an end to Barack Obama's failed presidency and electing a commonsense conservative leader who knows how to right America's economic ship -- Mitt Romney. (Reince Priebus, "RNC Chairman Reince Priebus on Fox News Sunday Discusses the Poor Economy," YouTube, 7/8/2012)
"June Jobs Swoon" "This continues to be the longest streak -- 41 months -- of unemployment of 8% or higher since the Great Depression. And recall that back in 2009, Team Obama predicted that if Congress passed its $800 billion stimulus plan, the unemployment rate would be around 5.6% today." (James Pethokoukis, "June Jobs Swoon: America's Labor Market Depression Continues," AEI Ideas, 7/6/2012)
Messing With Texas House Judiciary Committee Chairman Lamar Smith of Texas takes Eric Holder's Justice Department to task for using partisan research from a Democrat operative in their voter fraud-protecting lawsuit against Texas' voter ID law. (Mike Levine, "Justice Used Research by Dem 'Agent' to Build Case Against Texas Voter Law, Rep Claims," Fox News, 7/5/2012)
Take That! FactCheck slaps down the Obama Campaign's complaint about its earlier piece which declares false Obama's desperate attempt to paint Mitt Romney as an "outsourcer" of American jobs. (Brooks Jackson and Robert Farley, with Eugene Kiely, "FactCheck to Obama Camp: Your Complaint is All Wet," FactCheck.org, 7/2/2012)
Maybe Next Time If national Democrats running for office this November and running away from being associated with the drag at the top of their ticket, Barack Obama, keep declining to attend the Democrat National Convention at this rate, there may not be anyone there but Nancy Pelosi and the adoring liberal mainstream media. (RNC Research, "The Big Fail: More Convention Abstentions," GOP.com, 7/3/2012)
"Unpatriotic Debt" The RNC has released a new web video "Unpatriotic Debt" highlighting Barack Obama's "promise gap" on lowering the debt and deficit. Four years ago today at a campaign event, Candidate Obama said that adding $4 trillion to the debt was 'irresponsible' and 'unpatriotic.' During his three years in office the 'undisputed debt king' has added over $5 trillion to the national debt and has racked up the largest deficits in U.S. history. (Johanna Persing, "RNC Releases Web Video: "Unpatriotic Debt," GOP.com, 7/3/2012)
The Imperial President In continuously working to advance his radical leftist agenda, Barack Obama has shown a brazen lack of regard for the limits of his constitutional power, giving a whole new meaning to the term "imperial presidency." (Kimberly Strassel, "Obama's Imperial Presidency: When Congress Won't Do What He Wants, He Ignores It and Acts Anyway," Wall Street Journal, 7/5/2012)
Dems' Tax Revolt? "President Obama has staked his re-election on the promise to raise taxes on anyone making more than $200,000 a year, but it's going to be fascinating to see if he can hold other Democrats through Election Day... Already, as many as six Democratic Senators are hedging their bets as the economy looks worse. That list includes Joe Manchin of West Virginia, Jon Tester of Montana, Claire McCaskill of Missouri, Bill Nelson of Florida, Ben Nelson of Nebraska and Jim Webb of Virginia." (Opinion, "Democrats and the Tax Cliff: Several Senators Suggest They May Not Want to Take the November Leap,"Wall Street Journal, 7/8/2012)
Not So Happy Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz may be "happy" with 8.2% unemployment, but Americans unable to find work are hardly smiling. Here are the facts, Debbie - read them and weep. (RNC Research, "The Big Fail: If You're Happy and You Know It..." GOP.com, 7/8/2012)
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Weekly Republican Video Address In this week's address, Rep. Ann Marie Buerkle (R-NY) discusses the U.S. House of Representatives' upcoming vote to repeal the president's health care law in its entirety. The law is driving up costs and making it harder for small businesses to hire new workers. As we've seen with the latest jobs report, national unemployment has been at or above 8% for 41 consecutive months. That is why House Republicans have a plan for America's Job Creators. House Republicans have passed more than 30 bipartisan jobs bills that are stuck in the Democrat-controlled U.S. Senate.
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