| Volume 75 -- July 24, 2012
As we work together to defeat Barack Obama and elect Republican candidates up and down the ticket in November, Victory Insider continues to keep you informed about Campaign 2012 and our Party's fight for commonsense conservative policies in Washington. Thank you again for all you do for the RNC!
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In this week's installment:
Governor Mitt Romney made the following statement concerning last week's tragic shooting in Aurora, Colorado.
RNC Chairman Reince Priebus made the following statement concerning last week's tragic shooting in Aurora, Colorado. Rising Tide In the wake of Barack Obama's ridiculous blast against entrepreneurs, Mitt Romney's message of less government, less taxes, and enthusiastic support for America's free market job creators is attracting more support from Democrat and independent voters. (Salena Zito, "Mitt Romney's Moment," Real Clear Politics, 7/22/2012)
Just The Facts Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus lays out the facts and makes it perfectly clear that Barack Obama and his Big Government team of leftist tax-and-spend advisors don't know the first thing about what drives a strong, healthy economy. (Reince Priebus, "Six Signs Obama Doesn't Understand the Economy," Townhall, 7/19/2012)
Obama's Doublespeak The Obama campaign's Orwellian television ad attacking Mitt Romney for quoting the president's "You didn't build that" statement actually reaffirms that that's exactly what Barack Obama said. (William Bigelow, "Obama Ad Knocks Romney For Accurately Quoting Obama," Breitbart, 7/20/2012)
Our Party Platform Starts With You. Share Your Input Today. The Republican National Committee has launched the new website www.GOPPlatform2012.com, the RNC Convention's Platform Committee. It will serve as a place for Republicans across the country to share their ideas with us about the issues and values they want included in our Party's platform. The Platform Committee can also be followed on Twitter @gopplatform2012.
Independent Corroboration "The RNC said that over the last six months, Obama has golfed 10 times and held 106 fundraisers even as his job council didn't meet once. The RNC's tally is on target. We rate the statement true." (PolitiFact, "Did Barack Obama Hold 100-Plus Fundraisers While His Job Council Never Met?" Tampa Bay Times, 7/20/2012)
Taxes Kill Jobs "A new report prepared by Ernst & Young further discredits Obama's proposed tax hikes. The findings in this report show just how terrible Obama's 'soak-the-rich' policy would be for the economy." (Kyle Bunnell, "Obama Tax Hikes Would Kill 710,000 Jobs," Townhall, 7/19/2012)
ObamaCare Kills Jobs, Too In another indication of how important it is to defeat Barack Obama in 2012 and repeal and replace his disastrous ObamaCare scheme, businesses across America are already shedding jobs -- when unemployment is the biggest concern of the American people -- in anticipation of new healthcare cost burdens. (Kyle Bonnell, "Thanks to Obamacare, Small Businesses Plan on Eliminating Jobs Before 2014," Townhall, 7/17/2012)
Tax Fairness? "President Obama says that 'for some time now, when compared to the middle class,' the wealthy 'haven't been asked to do their fair share.' He's right that the system isn't fair, but not because the top 1% pay too little. It is because they pay too much." (Ari Fleischer, "The Latest News on Tax Fairness: A New Congressional Budget Office Report Shows the Share of Taxes Paid by the Top 20% Has Gone Up Over the Last 30 years, While the Share of Taxes Paid by Everyone Else Has Gone Down," Wall Street Journal, 7/22/2012)
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You can also follow Chairman Priebus's Twitter feed @Reince or check out his fan page on Facebook!
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Weekly Republican Video Address: Delivering the Weekly Republican Address, House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) offers prayers to those affected and appreciation for the heroes who responded swiftly to the horrific tragedy in Aurora, Colorado.
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