| Volume 74 -- July 17, 2012
As we work together to defeat Barack Obama and elect Republican candidates up and down the ticket in November, Victory Insider continues to keep you informed about Campaign 2012 and our Party's fight for commonsense conservative policies in Washington. Thank you again for all you do for the RNC!
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In this week's installment:
Fighting Fire With Fire "The president only has one thing going, and that is constant attacks on me. They're dishonest. They're misdirected. And I think the American people recognize that kind of politics as something of the past. It may work in Chicago, but it's not going to work across America." (Kevin Robillard, "Mitt Romney Rips Obama Camp's 'Dishonesty,'" Politico, 7/16/2012)
Dereliction of Duty "Over the past few months President Obama has argued that Hugo Chavez is not a threat, offered post-election flexibility to Vladimir Putin, and granted visas to Raul Castro's daughter and other Cuban officials. It almost seems the president is going out of his way to undermine American strength." (Reince Priebus, "The Flexible President Sees No Threats," Red State, 7/13/2012)
Obama's New Low? In his latest class warfare blast at America's entrepreneurs and job creators, Barack Obama makes a pathetic and insulting statement while trying to buy votes with higher taxes and more redistribution of income. (Kerry Picket, "(VIDEO) Obama -- 'If You've Got a Business -- You Didn't Build That. Somebody Else Made That Happen,'" Washington Times, 7/15/2012)
Your Contributions at Work "The Republican National Committee will spend $5 million on television advertisements promoting Mitt Romney's campaign in seven states beginning tomorrow, our sources tell us. It will be the party's first paid foray into the White House contest's already-busy advertising market." (Reid Wilson, "RNC Launches Independent Unit," National Journal, 7/13/2012)
Taxing Common Sense Why must the average American work more than half of this year just to meet the tax costs imposed by federal, state, and local government and other regulatory fees? It's time to end Barack Obama's era of excessive taxation and wasteful spending. (Sabrina Gladstone, "Americans Will Work More than 6 Months to Pay Cost of Gov't in 2012," CNS News, 7/12/2012)
Obama's Imperial Hubris "The imperial Presidency has overturned Congress and the law again. Not content to stop at rewriting immigration policy, education policy and energy policy, yesterday, President Obama's Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released an official policy directive rewriting the welfare reform law of 1996." (Amy Payne, "Obama's Imperial Presidency Guts Welfare Reform," The Foundry, 7/13/2012)
Oh, The Irony Barack Obama, who boasted that he would run the "most transparent administration ever," and has subsequently made a mockery of that claim through actions like the recent invoking of "executive privilege" over the Fast & Furious scandal, has a lot of nerve accusing Mitt Romney of irregularities. (Katie Pavlich, "Romney Turns Up the Heat on Obama Over Fast & Furious," Townhall, 7/12/2012)
Honing Our Edge "United by their opposition to the president's agenda, Republicans have been fighting mad. And the high-court ruling did nothing to change that. Quinnipiac found 47 percent of Republicans said they were more enthusiastic to vote in November than usual, compared to 32 percent for Democrats. That's about the same advantage the GOP has had since last fall." (Chris Stirewalt, "Republicans Keep Enthusiasm Edge After Health Law Decision," Fox News, 7/11/2012)
No Doctors in the House? As if the skyrocketing costs, coercion, and rationed health care of the disastrous ObamaCare scheme weren't bad enough, a new poll shows that more than 4 in 5 physicians have considered getting out of medicine entirely because of Obama's takeover. (Sally Nelson, Report: 83 Percent of Doctors Have Considered Quitting Over ObamaCare," The Daily Caller, 7/9/2012)
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Weekly Republican Video Address: In the face of 41 straight months of unemployment above 8 percent, President Obama is calling for a tax hike on nearly a million business owners. In the Weekly Republican Address, U.S. Sen. Rob Portman (R-OH) says there's a better path forward: "The way to an American economic comeback, the way to help those out of work today find a paycheck, is to unleash the forces of job creation in America."
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