|  | | Volume 25 -- August 3, 2011
Welcome to this week's Victory Insider, your weekly round-up of news, views, and information for staying up to speed on recent developments in Washington, the unfolding 2011-2012 election cycle, and GOP efforts to stop the Obama Agenda and return commonsense and responsibility to American government.
In this week's installment:
RNC Backs Up GOP Reformers "Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus said Friday that the RNC is doing all it can to protect incumbent GOP state senators targeted for recall from being 'hijacked' by state employee unions." ("Priebus Says RNC 'All In' On Recalls," Associated Press/Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 7/29/2011)
Course Correction "If you want a government in Washington that spends less, that taxes less, and encourages our private sector to grow, you need a Republican in the White House." (William McGurn, "Boehner Repeals Murphy's Law: The Debt-Ceiling Deal Puts the GOP in a Good Position for 2012," Wall Street Journal, 8/2/2011)
Winning Strategy In the debate over the debt ceiling, Republicans in Congress have kept the focus where it needs to be -- on cutting spending. (Michael Barone, "Republicans Win When the Fight Is Over Cuts Not More Taxes," Townhall, 8/1/2011)
A Gipper-like Win Americans For Tax Reform head Grover Norquist lauds the debt ceiling deal as a precedent-setting victory for the Party of Ronald Reagan. (Grover Norquist, "A Victory For Reagan Republicans," Daily Caller, 8/1/2011)
The Anti-Business President Barack Obama's Big Government rhetoric and policies aren't making him many friends in private enterprise. (Dave Boyer, "Business Leaders Air Growing Unhappiness With Obama," Washington Times, 7/28/2011)
Look in the Mirror Democrat Party head accuses Republicans of "trying to impose a 'dictatorship.'" Bit ironic, right? (Mike Allen, "Debbie Wasserman Schultz Says GOP Rhetoric Could Spark 'Chaos,'" Politico, 7/27/2011)
Nancy Pelosi -- Guardian of the Galaxy! Nancy Pelosi says what Democrats are "trying to do is save the world from the Republican budget. We're trying to save life on this planet as we know it today." (William Kristol, "Pelosi's Reactionary Liberalism," Weekly Standard, 7/28/2011)
Cool It! Science simply doesn't support warmists' politically-motivated "global warming" scheme. (James Taylor, "New NASA Data Blow Gaping Hole In Global Warming Alarmism," Yahoo News/Forbes, 7/27/2011)
Not Measuring Up "President Barack Obama's conduct during the debate over the debt ceiling has divided the country and will inflict damage that will last well after the battle is over, former New York Stock Exchange director and Wall Street stalwart Ken Langone said." (Jeff Cox, "Obama 'Unpresidential,' 'Petulant,' 'Dividing Us': Langone," CNBC, 7/28/2011)
Crumbling Footholds "Just as House Democrats played defense to protect the growing number of vulnerable members in last year's midterms, Obama is looking like he'll be scrambling to hold onto a lot of the states that he thought would be part of an emerging Democratic majority." (Josh Kraushaar, "Obama's Battleground-State Blues: The President's National Poll Numbers Aren't Good, But They're Worse in Battleground States," National Journal, 7/26/2011)
Doing Harm The National Federation of Independent Business members feel the pain of ObamaCare "health care" takeover fallout. (C.J. Ciaramella, "Report: 1 In 8 Employer Insurance Plans Getting the Axe Since ObamaCare," Daily Caller, 7/25/2011)
With Friends Like These As Barack Obama's poll numbers plunge, his disingenuous opportunism and weathervane politics have ignited the call for a challenge -- from his left. Vermont Socialist Bernie Sanders wants left-wing challenge to his re-election run. (Andrew Malcolm, "New Polls Confirm Obama's Democratic Base Crumbles," Los Angeles Times, 7/26/2011)
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Weekly Republican Video Address View this week's message from Arizona Senator John Kyl who discussed the fiscal crisis and debt ceiling debate. |
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