Volume 28 -- August 25, 2011
Welcome to this week's Victory Insider, your weekly round-up of news, views, and information for staying up to speed on recent developments in Washington, the unfolding 2011-2012 election cycle, and GOP efforts to stop the Obama Agenda and return commonsense and responsibility to American government.
In this week's installment:
Bad Luck...
On his "Debt-End Tour," Barack Obama makes a desperate, pathetic attempt to blame everything under the sun but his own failed leftist agenda for driving our economy into the ditch. (Byron York, "Obama: I Reversed Recession Until 'Bad Luck' Hit," Washington Examiner, 8/15/2011)
...Or Just Plain Bad???
Hmm... Let's look back a bit and see what really caused things to take a nose dive. (James Sherk, "Recovery Stalled After ObamaCare Passed," Heritage Foundation, 7/19/2011)
Vacation From Reality
Obama's recession got you down? Cheer up your friends and family with an Obama Martha's Vineyard Vacation postcard! (Zeke Miller, "Ouch! The RNC's Hilarious Postcards From Obama's Island Vacay," Business Insider, 8/18/2011)
Energy Insanity
"Get ready for the sacrifice of tens of thousands more American jobs (at least) to feed the fantasy of "clean energy." Even as the "green jobs" promise proves to be a lie, the Obama administration is getting set to force the shutdown of countless power plants across half the nation." (Michael A. Walsh, "The EPA's Giant Green Jobs-Killer," New York Post, 8/21/2011)
More Taxation Isn't The Answer
"Even taxing the nation's millionaires at 50 percent -- even eliminating loopholes and deductions -- would only reduce the deficit by 8 percent and the national debt by 1 percent." (Matt Cover, "Warren Buffett's Taxing the Rich Won't Solve Deficit, Says Tax Foundation," CNS News, 8/19/2011)
Amnesty by Fiat
Pandering for Hispanic votes, Barack Obama ends deportation of illegal immigrants to shore up support for his re-election. (Stephen Dinan, "Obama to Deport Illegals by 'Priority,'" Washington Times , 8/18/2011)
Presidential Excess
Barack Obama's opulent lifestyle and the heavy hand of federal bureaucrats befit an empire. (Mark Steyn, "The Imperial Presidency: European Royals Make Do With a Less Lavish Lifestyle Than The Supposed Citizen-Executive of a So-Called Republic," National Review, 8/20/2011)
Failing Grade
In Barack Obama's world, food stamps and unemployment benefits are "economic stimulus," and private enterprise has no right to sell the products consumers crave. (David Harsanyi, "The Department of Failed Ideas," Real Clear Politics, 8/17/2011)
Hurry, Comrades!
Obama's radical leftist-stacked NLRB moves to reduce time for employee votes on unionization from 6 weeks to just 7-10 days. (Matthew Boyle, "Labor Relations Board's 'Quickie' Election Rule Attracts Nearly Unprecedented Public Heat," The Daily Caller, 8/17/2011)
ObamaCare Deception
"That Obama is now talking about the need to 'take on' long-term health care costs, even after passing his law, is an admission of what many of us already knew: Obamacare was never about reducing health care spending." (Philip Klein, "Obama Concedes Healthcare Law Won't Control Costs," Washington Examiner, 8/17/2011)
Say What?
Obama says: "If you hear something is happening, but it hasn't happened, don't always believe what you hear." Huh? Run that by me again? And I thought Biden didn't make any sense... (M.J. Lee, "Obama's Unhelpful Advice," Politico, 8/18/2011)
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