Volume 26 -- August 9, 2011
Welcome to this week's Victory Insider, your weekly round-up of news, views, and information for staying up to speed on recent developments in Washington, the unfolding 2011-2012 election cycle, and GOP efforts to stop the Obama Agenda and return commonsense and responsibility to American government.
In this week's installment:
"It's the Policies of Barack Obama . . . "
Chairman Priebus spelled out on Fox News yesterday why it is crucial for our nation that we make Barack Obama a one-term president. (Featured Video, "Priebus: President's Policies Lead to Crisis," Fox News, 8/8/2011)
Look In the Mirror
"One week after Democrats drove us to the brink of default because they wouldn't cut the U.S. budget deficit, White House officials tried to blame everyone from ratings agencies to the Tea Party for the economic woes they created." (John Ransom, "Shocker: Axelrod Blames the Tea Party," Townhall, 8/8/2011)
Dereliction of Duty
"Ever since they abused the budget process to jam their health-care takeover through Congress last year, the Democrats have simply done away with serious budgeting altogether. The simplest explanation -- and the president's real bluff -- is that they don't want to commit publicly to the kind of tax increases and health-care rationing that would be required to sustain their archaic vision of government." (Paul Ryan, "Where's Your Budget, Mr. President? Ever Since They Fudged The Numbers to Pass ObamaCare, Democrats Have Abandoned Credible Spending Plans," Wall Street Journal, 8/3/2011)
Money Pit
Fannie Mae, the mortgage loan provider at the heart of the Democrats' social engineered housing crisis, wants $5.1 billion more of taxpayer funds on top of the $104 billion it has received since 2008. ("Fannie Mae Seeks $5.1 Billion More From Taxpayers," CNBC, 8/5/2011)
Tuning Out Obama
Obama's hypocrisy and incompetence are only made worse by sanctimonious speechifying. (Victor Davis Hanson, "Spare Us the Sermons, Mr. President," National Review, 8/4/2011)
No Thanks
Midwestern taxpayers get the privilege of paying for Obama's campaign tour of their hard-hit states. (Fred Lucas, "Taxpayers Will Pay for Obama Bus Tour of Battleground States, says White House," CNS News, 8/3/2011)
What Are You Afraid Of?
John Kerry thinks the liberal mainstream media give too much air time to the Tea Party. What planet does he live on? (Video, "John Kerry: Media Has 'Responsibility' to 'Not Give Equal Time' to Tea Party," Real Clear Politics, 8/5/2011)
Red Tape Alert
Though his own policies are crippling employment growth, it's full speed ahead for Obama's Big Government bureaucrats. (Paul Bedard, "Obama Administration Added $9.5 Billion in Red Tape in July; Conservatives Take Aim at Job-killing Regulations," U.S. News, 8/3/2011)
Media Absurdity
To ideologues in the leftist mainstream media, fighting for fiscal sanity is akin to taking hostages. (Paul Connor, "'Hostage' Metaphor is Liberal Commentators' New Talking Point," The Daily Caller, 8/3/2011)
The Truth Hurts
Thin-skinned Tennessee Democrat can't take a joke, asks store to stop selling Obama "Disappointmints." (Megan Boehnke, "Satirical Mints Poking Fun at Obama Pulled From UT Bookstore," Knoxnews.com, 8/4/2011)
Ivory Tower Meets Real World
The hypocrisy of the Obama's State Department's Harold Koh on using military force in Libya knows no bounds. (Paul Starobin, "A Moral Flip-Flop? Defining a War," New York Times, 8/6/2011)
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