Am I Crazy? Weekly Update from Dinesh D'Souza Dear Friends, Last week, I spoke to thousands at FreedomFest in Las Vegas, and I was heartened to see that even my case for life after death was well-received by the libertarian audience! I was honored to be introduced by Steve Forbes, who explained the topic of my talk, "What It's Like To Be A Political Prisoner In America." During the keynote, I discussed the lessons learned during my time in community confinement. I came out of confinement a little bit shaken. Some of my idealistic assumptions about America as it should be have given way to being more alert about America as it is. This tells me not that I'm less patriotic than I was before, but rather we as Americans have always got to ask, "which America are we fighting for?" Our future is very much up in the air. This is not the America that the founders envisioned, and this is not the America that we believe in, so, as a consequence, politics have become very important. We need to recognize our opposition, we need to mobilize, we need to think about strategy, and until we get our act together, we shouldn't expect a renewal.  The following day, I spoke to a filled arena at Middle Tennesee State University with my friend Tim Tebow. It was an inspiring time discussing God's purpose for America—and I'm sure he appreciated the football tips I gave him in the green room! In all seriousness, I find Tim to be warm, kind, patriotic, and sincere in his faith—it's no wonder the secular left hates him so much! "When your identity is found in Christ, your identity never changes," Tebow said. "You are always a child of God."  I was on The Kelly File last night to discuss my latest court hearing with Megan Kelly—and she couldn't quite suppress a chuckle when she asked me if I was crazy! Watch this interview and give me your own answer: am I crazy? Click below to check it out:  During this busy week, I crossed the 200,000 follower mark and Twitter, and I'm so thankful to all you that helped me get there by sharing my profile with your friends! How dismaying this growth must be for the leftists with 10 followers who rail daily against me. If we're not already connected on Twitter, click here to see what I'm saying. FOLLOW DINESH ON TWITTER I have more exciting events coming up in the next few months. Click here to view the calendar on my website and see them all! Sincerely,  Dinesh D'Souza |