Is Polygamy Next? Weekly Update from Dinesh D'Souza Dear Friends, What happens to the rule of law when the Supreme Court, under the guise of interpreting the Constitution, brazenly rewrites it? Well, that's what happened this week when the Court handed down its marriage decision. According to the dictate, no state has the right to define marriage as a solely heterosexual institution. Justice Scalia's stinging dissent is worth reading in full, but here are a few choice excerpts. Chief Justice Roberts also offered a powerful dissent, in which he says that by the Court's reasoning, there are now no grounds to prohibit polygamy. If states can't define marriage as between a man and a woman, how can they define marriage as between just two people?  As a consequence of the gay marriage ruling, the danger to religious freedom is now clear: though it's not immediate, it is very real. If 3% of the population can cause this much havoc, think of what we conservatives, properly mobilized, can do! For a little comic relief, here are some helpful tips to navigate the new etiquette of gay marriage:  My discussion with Tim Tebow later this month will be far-reaching, and we may touch on marriage and the family as a part of our discussion on God's purpose for America. If you'd like to attend in person and hear Tim and me speak, here's a link to purchase tickets online. Hope to see you there! I'll also be speaking earlier that week at FreedomFest in Las Vegas, and I'll have time there to greet many of you personally at a small luncheon. Click here to reserve your seat. Sincerely,  Dinesh D'Souza P.S. What happens when two white hags in the Democratic Party take on a young, ethnically-diverse GOP field? Here's my video response to being accused of selling out to The Man! |
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